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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


jeongin plopped down on his bed smiling lightly to himself, his small hand reached into his bag grabbing out his notebook and pencil. the boy was quick to start writing. jeongin taped a polaroid he took yesterday to the page and continued writing about his day yesterday. which he forgot to do last night since he came back to the cabin and went straight to bed.

yesterday was my first day of camp, it was okay i have to share a room with this snobby rich kid though. he seems very grumpy so i'm not really sure how it will work out sharing a room with him. but we didn't do much today, i just unpacked, caught up with minnie and lix, and then we ate dinner. overall it wasn't the most fun but it was nice meeting chan, minho, jisung, and changbin and it was nice seeing lix and minnnie again. they've changed so much this year, seungmin even had a boyfriend i can't believe it, i can already tell this summer is gonna be a lot of fun.
-signing off,  jeongin

"hey what are you doing?" hyunjin asked peering over the younger a shoulder, jeongin was quick to turn the book away.

"it's my journal i write about my day in it." jeongin explained as hyunjin just sat perched on his bed head titled to the side.

"you mean a diary?" hyunjin teased the younger, unfortunately jeongin didn't seem to catch onto his teasing tone and shot the taller boy a harsh glare.

"so um what's the pictures for?" hyunjin hopped off the bed walking over to jeongin's picking up the polaroid he took today of the lawn. looking closer hyunjin could recognize some of the campers he was introduced to. he saw some of the campers from eagle cabin like yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, kai, and taehyun.

"i take them everyday and then i'll add them to the journal entry." hyunjin nodded handing the picture back to jeongin who snatched it back taping it into the page. he quickly closed the book shoving it back into his bag.

hyunjin watched the small boy with curiosity, he wondered what exactly he wrote in that diary thing. but of course the hwang boy knew better that jeongin wouldn't let him read it. he probably wrote personal stuff in there. hyunjin hopped off his bed going over to his bag grabbing out a headband, sliding of over his head he pushed it up pulling the hair away from his face.

"why are you wearing a headband?" jeongin stifled his laugh staring at the pink headband with a huge fluffy bow that at atop of hyunjin's head.

"it keeps the hair out of my face while i sleep." the older boy explained, jeongin wanted to explain to him that he could just use a hair tie but decided he'd just let the older boy do his thing on his own.


"so you're from australia too." felix nodded at the older watching him move around their shared room putting away the rest of his clothes.

"yeah i moved to maryland when i was 15." chan shoves the last of his tee shirts into the small dresser walking over to his bed.

"oh that's cool i moved to america when i was around your age too, so how old are you now." felix smiled brightly at the older before answering "17, how old are you?" 

" just turned 18 so that means next year i'll be a counselor." the taller boy smiled at the thought of being a counselor next year along with minho.

"how come you're still gonna go to camp after you turn 19?" felix asked the older his head titled to the side in confusion.

"well camp is really the only way i get to see jisung, changbin, and minho. so if we don't all go to camp the odds of us being able to meet up all at the same time is nearly impossible. we don't live very close to one another, so we use camp as a way to see each other during the summer. we wouldn't ever have time to meet up during the school year with sports, homework, clubs and what not. plus i go back to australia during christmas break to busy the rest of my family and- i'm so sorry i didn't even realize i was rambling." chan chuckled to himself quietly awkwardly scratching the back of his neck his cheeks burning bright red in embarrassment.

"oh no you're fine i could listen to you talk all da- what i mean to say is i'm a good listener. i like listening." felix reassured the older, chan looked up to meet the youngest eyes smiling softly at him.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
a/n: i'm sorry i haven't been updating a lot lately i've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately. i feel like i'm in a constant cycle of feeling better and then just get worse and worse. i haven't been feeling the best lately so i'm sorry if i don't update for a while after this. i'll try my best to update once a week but unfortunately i cant make promises as of now, until next time bye bye.
-c <3

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