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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

hwang hyunjin your typical 17 year old rich boy living in new york city, in other words the complete opposite of yang jeongin. the blonde haired boy was born into a incredibly rich family, his dads family owned some big company that hyunjin quit frankly didn't care about. all he knew was his father was the ceo of the company and his mother was a doctor.

now hyunjin was never the type of person to go to summer camp. he hated the outdoors and he thought just the idea of summer camp was stupid, childish, and just a waste of summer vacation. hyunjin would much rather spend his summer going out to parties and hanging out with his friends. so that's what he did, he went out to parties got drunk and then crashed at his friends house. some nights that wasn't the case and he ended up stumbling into his house drunk at 4 am.

so for the first week of summer that's what hyunjin did, he partied got drunk and what not. he didn't have a care in the world, but now he was wishing he did care. on thursday night when he came stumbling into his house at 4 am as per usual he wasn't expecting to see his two parents sitting there in the living room of their penthouse. both of them in their pajamas glaring at him shaking their heads. hyunjin later found out they knew he was going to parties that whole week.

let's just say they weren't the happiest with him at the moment, which resulted in them sending him to summer camp. that way he wouldn't be out partying and getting drunk. hyunjin had always been a well put together kid until sophomore year when he made friends with a group of juniors which quit frankly were an awful influence on him. hyunjin begged his parents not to send him to some stupid summer camp, he promised that he would stop going out every night. but they just unfortunately ignored his pleas.

"you leave on monday start packing, you'll come home august i'll email you all the information. i don't even wanna talk to you right now, i'm so disappointed in you hyunjin." hyunjin's mother refused to meet his eyes, she just quickly left his room going downstairs.

the hwang boy quickly closed the door before running and flopping down on his bed. the boy groaned in frustration rolling his eyes as he plopped down on his desk chair to see the email his mother send him about this stupid "camp sunny days" hyunjin quickly scanned through the email to try and find the end date or whatever the hell
it was called.

"august 20th!" the boy shouted he slammed his hands down on the keyboard quickly rubbing his forehead. there goes his whole summer...literally, hyunjin grabbed out random duffle bags throwing them on his bed."what the hell do you even pack for summer camp?" the boy mumbled his eye searching through his closet a frown set on his pretty face.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: hi i hope you guys are having an amazing day or night. also thank you for 20 reads!!! i'm currently pre writing a bunch of chapters so i might update more than once a week possibly. longer chapters are coming i promise! i'll see you guys next chapter bye bye!!
-c <3

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