e p i l o g u e

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important a/n: i decided to change the time in which this story takes place because it wouldn't make much sense if it took place in the present. so i reworded some things, so it is now in the past about the 1980's?

 so i reworded some things, so it is now in the past about the 1980's?

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"you look like you're about to shit your pants or puke yang, you good?"

"no, absolutely not i am terrified i haven't seen hyunjin in a year and i don't even know if he's gonna be here. i forgot to get his email last year, can you believe it how could i be so stupid to forget something so important like that." jeongin rambled grabbing chaeyoung's hands shaking them while he cried out signing in distress. all morning jeongin had felt on edge, half of it because he was getting to see his friend. but the other half and arguably the more important half he was nervous to see if hyunjin would be at camp.

"ah isnt hyunjin your little boyfriend from last summer?"

"no he's just a boy......friend." chaeyoung shook her head at him a knowing look on her face watching the boy practically scramble out of the van as soon at it was parked.

"sure just a friend." she mumbled watching the boy run off signing to herself.

jeongin looked around the front of camp hopefully for any sign of the tall lanky blonde. that hope was soon crushed when he realized there was no sign of the older boy, only a few counselors pointing younger kids in the direction of cabins. jeongin signed trying not the be to disappointed, hyunjin had told him that he might not be able to come to camp next year he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up anyway. so the brunette boy made his way to bear cabin hoping that his friends would be there already so he wouldn't be alone.

"what one year and you already forget about me innie? i'm hurt, you've bruised my ego." jeongin stopped in his tracks hearing the familiar voice, turning around gasping at the sight of the boy. over the year hyunjin had changed, he grew and not just height wise. while in college he joined the swim team, and had put on some muscles due to the training. his face looked a little fuller, and his skin was a lot tanner now. but the most noticeable change was his hair, it was still long but instead of the platinum blonde it was now a dark brown.

"jinnie." the younger breathed out running up to now only the slightly taller boy wrapping his arms tightly around the older.

"hey innie." hyunjin smiled lightly melting into the younger boys arms.

"hey love birds, you wanna wrap things up."

"i think i'm gonna get a cavity looking at them."

"you said that last year." changbin deadpanned rolling his eyes at the younger.

"okay and? my point still stands." seungmin huffed crossing his arms angrily. jeongin immediately ran over to the older wrapping his arms around the boy. jeongin was beaming at the older when suddenly a shorter boy with a blonde mullet had ran into him. jeongin didn't even have to get a good look at his face knowing that it was felix from the deep giggle and the smell of strawberry shampoo.

"i missed you guys so much."

"i missed you too lix." both boys had replied in unison signing happily.

"same room arrangements as last time." chan had announced as he exited the cabin smiling at the sight before him the 7 boys turned to him nodding.


"i'm happy you were able to come." jeongin mumbled absentmindedly threading his fingers through hyunjin's now soft brunette locks.

"me too." the older replied pulling the younger closer tightening his hold on his waist a content sleepy smile painted on his plush lips. jeongin smiled lightly down at him placing a small kiss against his temple, a happy sigh leaving his lips at the affection from the younger.

and as chan looked around himself, surrounded by his friends and closest friends he couldn't help the blissful smile spreading on his face at the sight before him. all of them wrapped up around each other quietly conversing about their year, the fire crackling in the center of it all. it was just like how it was last summer but arguably even better. because this summer there wasn't anything that could possibly go wrong.

this would be the best summer ever.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: please forgive i wrote this while dealing with a pounding headache and post breakdown because i'm terrified of bugs. i just wanted to put it out there i might eventually rewrite it i don't know. but this is the official end of summer camp thank you to anyone who decided to stick around to to the end of it. i hope you all liked it, and enjoyed reading it. i'm currently working on a drabbles book but i'm not sure if i will actually post it because it's mainly me just projecting. but that is all, i'm sorry the end was so bad ily all.
signing off
- keenie <3

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