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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"hyunjin please for the love of god we were supposed to be there 20 minutes ago!!" chan yelled up to the boy shaking his head. the whole group had been waiting for hyunjin to finish getting ready but it seemed that the boy was just taking his sweet old time and chan's patience was starting wear thin.

"it's not my fault you forgot to wake me up." hyunjin growled slipping on his beaten up converse, chan just shook his head frowning at the taller boy.

"you and jeongin woke up at the same time, and he got ready within 5 minutes." seungmin argued but hyunjin just ignored him smiling lightly before grabbing the youngest and bolting out the door.

"i'm gonna drag him by his stupid hair one of these days just you-"

"minho be quiet, there will be no fighting now let's go before those two idiots get lost again." chan grumbled before leading the rest of the group outside towards the lake.


"hey i'm glad you guys could make it." bambam smiled greeting the boys, his arm hooked over jackson another one of the counselors.

"just think some of you boys will be leading this shit, ya know and managing little kids. good luck y'all are gonna need it." the four eldest boys look over sadly at jackson's words. hyunjin once again being reminded camp was over tomorrow, and there was a possibility next year he wouldn't even come back, who knows if his parents would let him go back next summer.

"you're thinking about something...i can tell your eyes brows are furrowed." jeongin whispered with a small frown reaching out to brush over the elder boys creased brows.

"so whatcha thinking about jin-"

"i like you." the blonde boy cut over jeongin before he could even finish his sentence, refusing the meet the small boys eyes instead looking over at the glistening lake.

"in what kind of way do you like me?" jeongin of course knew what hyunjin meant, he would have to be an idiot not to understand. but he really just wanted hyunjin to say it out loud to him again.

"you're gonna be the death of me yang i swear , i like you like a lot, and i'm gonna miss you a lot when we leave this place." jeongin looked worriedly at the elders tears that were slowing forming in his eyes.

"i like you a lot too jinnie, and let's not think about the future right now, okay? we'll worry about that when the time comes for now just relax and have fun." jeongin assured the older wrapping a slender arm around his broad shoulders pulling him in close.

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