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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


chan look in confusion between the two boys, jeongin and hyunjin stood on opposite sides of the room. jeongin refusing to look at the other, while hyunjin looked over at t he boy a sad look on his face. which was quite odd considering usually the two would always talk to each other in the mornings but that wasn't the case this morning. along with hyunjin's hair which was mess today since jeongin didn't do it for him today. even on the way to the mess hall the air was somewhat still, everyone noticed the obvious tension between hyunjin and jeongin. the two boys had become close over the past weeks always making jokes and the smaller following the older boy  around contently. 

"so...why's everyone so silent?" jisung asked chuckling awkwardly looking between the two boys who sat on opposite sides of the group.

"maybe if hyunjin wasn't so damn nose-"

"hey seungmin let's not argue right now okay everyone just eat your breakfast quietly." chan scolded the boy who just pouted at him huffing before picking up his fork to eat his breakfast.

the air was tense, the only sound that was heard
was the the quiet chatter of other people's
conversations and the occasional sign.
the silence was unbearable but after seungmin's comment no one wanted to say anything, it felt to awkward. the kim boy just sent glares to hyunjin who just gulped turning away glancing at the yang boy who just stared at his food with an adorable pout on his soft lips. he so badly wanted to talk to the boy at least try to apologize, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't work up the courage to do so.

breakfast and the rest of the day dragged on for both the yang and hwang boy, and unfortunately for them the rest of the week would drag on. the group of boys eventually all made their way back to the cabin after a long day doing camp activities. chan watched in concern watching the hwang boy go straight up to his shared room with jeongin as soon as they got back. jeongin followed not long after but instead went to seungmin and changbin's room.

"felix you know jeongin well, do you think he'll eventually forgive me?"

"jeongin can be very stubborn, but it's only been a day i bet you'll be all buddy buddy again in a week tops."  the lee boy shrugged, thankfully remained neutral...mainly just hanging on chan instead of actually indulging in the conversations.

"okay...thanks felix." he smiled somewhat sadly at the younger making his way.

"you really care about him don't you?" felix teased the older, the boys ears burning bright red, hyunjin just nodded covering his ears in embarrassment.

and so he left felix and chan's room going across the hallway over to his shared room with jeongin. he looked in the room in hopes the yang boy would be in there. but to no avail the room remained empty with no one inside. hyunjin just signed in disappointment going over to lay down in his bed. hyunjin sat perched on his bed for...well he wasn't even sure how long but it felt like hours. his eyes felt heavy drooping shut on to shoot back wide open when his head lulled to the side. but alas around 3 in the morning hyunjin lost his battle and fell asleep his  his head slumped to the side body still
sitting upright.

it wasn't until early morning when jeongin made his to hyunjin and his shared room. peeking in he saw the blonde boy fast asleep small snores escaping his pretty lips, head lulled to the side uncomfortably. the yang boy signed "you're such a mess hyunjinnie."
he mumbled to himself walking over to the boy moving him carefully so he wouldn't wake up with a neck cramp. jeongin sat there for a second just looking at the older boy head cocked to the side in wonder.

"why would you even read my diary you stupid idiot? you know if you really wanted to like read it you could've just asked me about it i probably would've at least told you about it." the short boy mumbled to the sleeping boy, running his nibble fingers through said boys long soft hair.

"you stupid idiot." jeongin mumbled again small tears in his eyes clouding his vision as he made his way over to his bed.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: HIII !!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to update this book i kept putting it off and i've been very busy with starting high school and it's very stressful. i hope to be able to update more now that i've got kinda adjusted to it. again i'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long, ALSO THANKS FOR 1,000 READS ILY GUYS SM OMG. i never actually expected people to read this book but i appreciate every single one of you for staying this long and voting !! i hope you're all staying happy and healthy, make sure you eat and drink something today even if it's small, and remember to wear your mask !! okay bye bye now
-c <3

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