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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


chan swore if he rolled his eyes one more time his eyes might get stuck back there. at around 8 am bambam (one of the camp counselors) came banging on their cabin door, yelling about going hiking. as per usual hyunjin was the last to get ready, taking his sweet old time. which resulted in bambam scolding them for being late for the hike.

"it's to hot out here." the blonde boy groaned, if it wasn't for bambam walking with the group chan was sure he would've strangled hyunjin by now. jeongin skipped around happily with felix both boys giggling happily running ahead of the group, and sometimes trailing behind. for most of the hike the group was quiet, it was only about 9 am so everyone was still tired, and it was way to hot so they simply just didn't have the energy to talk.

jeongin looked around hopefully, he was looking for something to take a picture of for his journal. the yang boy signed in frustration not seeing anything that peaked his interest or stood out enough. that was until his eyes landed on something well someone pretty, that someone being hwang hyunjin. jeongin grinned before snapping a quick picture of the boy hopping he wouldn't see. unfortunately he did see, his eyes immediately locked with the younger eyes. a glare very evident on his face. jeongin didn't even have time time to react before hyunjin ran over to him ripped the photo from his hands.

"why the hell did you take a picture of me?" hyunjin yelled running away from the younger who was currently chasing him trying to get his picture back.

"please just give it back, it's my photo." jeongin reasoned, the shorter boy jumped up trying to reach the elders hand which was currently high up in the air holding his picture.

"i think you're forgetting the fact that my face is on it, i never said you could take a picture of me you weirdo." the taller boy growled at the younger who payed little attention to his words to busy on trying to get his picture back.

"just give it back plea-" jeongin pleaded, he didn't want to tell the hwang boy why he took the picture, part of him wanted to still keep his dignity.

"why should i?" hyunjin's was quick to cut off by the younger.

"i thought you looked pretty so i took a picture for my journal." jeongin mumbled hoping- no more like praying no one else heard them, the whole group stood watching the two. they watched the whole entire thing, bambam was going to try and break it up but in all honesty he simply didn't feel like it.

"oh um...uh...here's your picture." hyunjin quickly handed the photograph to jeongin both of their cheeks painted in a bright red glow as they separated. jeongin ran to seungmin while hyunjin just stayed towards the back with chan.

"i knew i should've gotten reassigned to the bunny cabin instead." bambam mumbled watching the two boys felix and jisung trip each other over and over and over again hysterically. despite only knowing each other for less than a week jisung and felix were attached to the hip practically. always joking around with each other hanging out and doing dumb shit to annoy chan and in this case bambam.

"jisung trip felix one more time and i'll beat your ass." chan grumbled, the black haired boy quickly grabbed jisung's arm pushing him over to minho who gladly took the boy wrapping his arms around him. chan grabbed the younger boys arm helping him up from the ground.

"hey you okay your knees bleeding?" felix quickly nodded his head at chan his eyes turning to crescents and his nose scrunching up cutely. if chan had his camera like jeongin he was sure he would've taken a picture the younger boy. his smile was so pure and was the most adorable thing chan had every seen in his almost 18 years of living.

"god look at the view from here, doesn't it make the whole trip up here worth it." bambam smiled slightly gazing into the distance.

"yeah no." hyunjin sent bambam a fake smile before turning back around towards the trail.

"well this was fun.....not i'm going back to camp i'm hungry." chan went to stop him but hyunjin was already almost out of site.

"well i guess we're all going back, i don't trust that guy what's his name? hyunjean, hyunin whatever point is i don't trust him to walk back on his own." bambam rolled his eyes as the group turned back to the trail.

"HEY KID! WAIT ! UP IF I LOSE YOU I'LL GET IN HUGE TROUBLE!!" bambam shouted running after the blonde boy trying to find him. everyone else just trailed behind him laughing at the poor boy in distress.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: i lied i'm back lol 😃, hi guys i hope you're enjoying the story. the chapters will probably be shorter from here on out because it's just easier to write shorter chapters and i'll be able to publish chapters faster. okay that's it ily guys bye bye!!
-c <3

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