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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

one week later: sunday

jeongin grumbled quietly slipping out of the comfort of his bed to head over to the bathroom to get ready for another day. turning he gave one more look towards hyunjin's bed which was surprisingly empty, usually he was sleeping when jeongin woke up and chan or changbin would have to wake him up. the brown haired boy made his way to the bathroom his clothes in hand rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes. turning the corner he heard what sounded like someone mumbling and cursing to themselves from inside the bathroom.

"god damnit are yo- oh hi jeongin." hyunjin smiled hopefully at the smaller boy who in return just kept his stone cold glare set on him.

"come here." he sighed looking at hyunjin's messy hair and the brush in his hand. hyunjin shyly walked over to the boy kneeling down on the ground when the younger pushed down on his shoulders motioning him to get down. the young boy was quick to brush through the elders hair trying to ignore how nice it felt between his small fingers. he wrapped the pony tail around hyunjin's long blonde hair stepping away from the boy who grabbed his wrist before he got the chance to leave the bathroom.

"does this mean we're on good terms again?" jeongin looked back at hyunjin who had since gotten up from the bathroom floor. the yang boy just slightly shook his head quickly leaving the bathroom.

chan watched the blonde haired boy run down the stairs a tiny smile set on his pretty lips. and for the first time in about a week his hair was done, unlike the last few days were his hair was messy and looked like a rats nest to put it lightly. chan looked between hyunjin and jeongin who was standing far away from the older boy on the other side of the group. for the most part the group walked in silence on their way to the mess hall for breakfast, besides jisung and felix who of course didn't shut up the whole way.

the day quickly passed by, the group of 8 playing volleyball and other sport activities while bambam just stood to the side watching the group shaking his head at the younger boys stupidity. he loved being a counselor don't get him wrong and he loved the boys but sometimes he just wanted to slap them over the head. over the past few weeks he had grown closer to the boys, almost like a parental figure to them. bambam had gotten to know the boys a lot better and learn more about them, like how jisung always clings to minho or felix, and how felix always clings to chan, jisung, or jeongin. and he witnessed an unexpected friendship blossom but very quickly ended within days.

bambam watched curiously as jeongin had purposely ignored the open seat next to hyunjin and go sit next to seungmin. despite there not being a lot of room on that end of the table, seungmins occasional glares at hyunjin also did not go unnoticed. he wondered what had happened to the group all week they seemed almost on edge and quiet. which was very unusual for them. breakfast, lunch, and dinner were always so noisy, always yelling across to each other even though the mess hall wasn't that loud. bambam so badly wanted to ask what had happened but he wasn't about to meddle in a bunch of teenagers business, he was their counselor not their therapist.

after dinner the group had ventured off to the front lawn for the bonfire they were supposed to have. the group of 8 (9 including bambam) sat together huddled against each other due to the cold weather. bambam looked around at the other groups sending a small smile to yeri who sat with her group, he didn't know many of them only sana and tyuzu who he had heard silly rumors about them dating. looking back at the group bambam smiled to himself seeing the boys sitting there just in bliss quietly chatting amongst themselves, the occasional shout or cackle which resulted in the rest of them to start giggling uncontrollably like a bunch of idiots.

"one time in middle school seungmin had peed himself after laughing so hard, you should've seen it i've never seen someone cry harder in my whole life." felix giggled everyone else laughing their heads off while seungmin just sent glares at the boy.

"let's not forget when you laughed so hard you threw up all over yourself at lunch." seungmin smiled sarcastically at felix who just pouted in return the rest of the group laughing at the duo.

"hey remember when jisung broke the banister and fell off your balcony chan." jisung sprung up from his spot next to jeongin and minho pouncing on changbin. the two boys wrestling around yelling at each otheruntil chan and bambam had eventually pulled them off each other.

it wasn't until around 1 am when everyone started to head back to their cabins, the group of 8 groaning as they started to trudge their way back to the cabin. hyunjin looked at the brown haired boy who sleepily rubbed his eyes a quick yawn escaping past his pink lips. after having an internal battle with himself hyunjin eventually just decided to just say yolo and grab the youngest wrist before he got the chance to leave the lawn with everyone else.

"can i talk to you? please just 2 minutes." the hwang boy plead, jeongin looked up into his sad eyes.

"fine..." the smaller boy mumbled crossing his arms in what hyunjin throught was discomfort, but was only because he was chilly due to the freezing cold weather late at night. hyunjin internally freaked out, having planned none of this, he was completely unprepared and there sat jeongin who was looking at him impatiently waiting for him to say something...anything.

"okay um where to i start..." the older trailed off almost whispering to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: IM SO MAD I HAD FINISHED THE CHAPTER THE OTHER NIGHT AND IT NEVER SAVED. this is NOT proofread lol i wanted to post before i forgot about it but i'll go back and fix it eventually. but anyway sorry it takes so long for me to update i try my best but i'm currently doing online school and it's very stressful and i have a hard time finding a time to update with school, editing, and dance. anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter bye bye now!!
-c <3

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