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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


"someone needs to go check on them, breakfast starts in 10 minutes."  chan stated looking up the stairs from where he stood in the living room.

"i don't wanna, what if they're naked."

"seungmin- jeongin is pure...he's like an angel he would never ever have se-"

"seungmin jisung both of your quiet, chan since you brought it up why don't you go check on them." chan was quick to throw a glare at changbin who just snickered high fiving minho.

the eldest boy walked up the stairs making his way over to the door quietly turning the knob hesitantly. his heart instantly warmed up at the sight of the two boys passed out hyunjin tightly hugging the small boy to his chest. once he made his way back downstairs chan explained the predicament they were in, all the boys immediately insisting on seeing it with their own eyes. chan quickly tried to tell them to be quiet but they were all already running up the stairs. chan followed behind watching the boys quietly giggle and coo at the two boys. seungmin was quick to grab jeongin's polaroid and snap a picture of the two boys a small smile decorating his soft face.

"should we wake them?" jisung asked, chan pondered for a moment looking between the door and the two boys.

"we'll bring back food for them for now let's just leave them go okay, i'll explain everything to bambam." the rest of the group nodded in agreement with chan.


the tall boys eyes fluttered open squinting at the bright light coming in from the window to the left of him. going to stretch hyunjin was quickly restricted by the small frail arms tightly wrapped around his waist squeezing him. the hwang boy looked down at the small fox like boy curled up in a ball by his side hugging him, his eyes knitted together and a small pout sat on his pretty lips.

"so precious." hyunjin mumbled to himself using one of his hands to brush jeongins bangs from his face causing the younger boys nose to scrunch up adorably like a bunny. 

the long haired boy sat conflicted not sure what to do, he needed to get up unsure of the time but based on the sun shining in his room he figured it was late morning. but on the other hand he didn't want to wake the precious sleeping boy in his arms.

he opted for the second option gently laying back down, he rested one arm around the boy rubbing the younger boys back gently. using his other arm to grab the boys hand smiling lightly to himself in content, he felt safe with the small boy in his arms.

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