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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


jeongin looked at the older boy waiting for him to say something, but hyunjin just stood there blank. his mouth had gone dry and his mind felt foggy and he was unsure what to say.

"in- jeongin i'm really sorry for reading your diary i was just...it's just my curiosity got the better of me. and i decided to read it, and i know i shouldn't have and i truly do regret it reading. i'm not really sure what else to say this was a spur of the moment kind of thing so my mind feels like blank right now. just jeongin i'm so sorry i miss talking to you all the time, and seungmin is starting to scare me he keeps glaring at me and it's really scary but that's not the point okay." jeongin watched the older speak not once interrupting him. jeongin didn't say anything just hugged the older tightly.

"does this mean you forgive me?" the older asked hopefully, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist hesitantly.

"no i'm just really cold." he muttered, jeongin smiled just a tad bit quietly inhaling hyunjin's comforting warm scent.


"don't say anything please, don't wanna think about anything right now." jeongin mumbled pressing his cheek against hyunjin's chest listening to the others pounding heart.

"calm down hyunie." the yang boy mumbled lightly rubbing the olders back in hopes of calming the boys rapid heart beat.


"would now be a bad time to mention that jeongin and hyunjin aren't with us." chan was quick to whip around dropping the keys to their cabin looking for the two boys.

"yeah maybe you should've told us that before i don't know we got to the cabin?!??" minho yelled at changbin who just raised his hands in defense mumbling something along the lines of "not my fault you guys can't keep track of them."

"stop freaking out they're probably just out in the woods fuc-"

"lee felix do not finish that sentence." chan was quick to cut the younger off shaking his head while everyone else just gaged.

"they definitely aren't you ugly cockroach, if anything that would be minho and jisung pretty sure i heard them doing it in the shower last nihmhm-."

"SEUNGMIN SHUT UP PLEASE!!"  jisung shouted covering the younger boys mouth, chan looked at minho in disappointment while the younger just giggled to himself.

"you guys are so nasty." changbin mumbled to himself shaking his head.

"i'm sure they're fine, we'll give them 5 minutes and if they don't come or we don't see or hear from them then we go looking okay?" the rest of the boys nodded in agreement with chan quickly scrambling inside because of the cold weather.

all 6 boys say anxiously on the lounge seats looking out the window for the two boys. but so far there was no sign of the brown and blonde haired boys.

"felix you're squishing my hand...like it's turning purple can you loosen your grip a little." chan nudged the younger a little bit who quickly pulled his hand away putting his hands in his lap. chan was quick to regrab the youngers hand holding it gently unlike how felix held his hand earlier.

"OW YOU MOSQUITO, CHANNIE SEUNGMIN JUST BIT ME!" changbin and seungmin were once again fighting, chan swore they were like annoying little siblings who feel the need to tattle on each other about everything.

"seungmin don't bite changbin." chan signed rubbing his forehead, it truly was difficult having to watch "the kids" when bambam wasn't around.


"i swear to god jisung i'm gonna shove my foot down your throat if you yell in my ear one more time." minho growled at the younger boy.

"oooo kinky." the han boy smirked at the older boy who just flicked his forehead in response. chan as always just shook his head in disappointment listening to the younger boys talk.

everyone's head whipped towards the door ready to yell at the hwang boy, considering they didn't see jeongin with him. but before anyone got the chance hyunjin quickly put his finger over his mouth silently telling them to be quiet. it wasn't until now that the group noticed the small boy on his back his head resting fast asleep on his shoulder. everyone sat in shock watching hyunjin quietly and slowly make his way up the stairs of the cabin towards the door.

"oh my god they did fu-"

"minho please shut up." chan groaned.


hyunjin opened the door to their shared room creeping over to jeongins bed unsure of how to put the boy down without disturbing him. over the past few days hyunjin had noticed the boy looked a little more tired than usual. the hwang boy slid jeongin off his back plopping him down into his bed carefully. thankfully jeongin had already taken down his bed so hyunjin grabbed the comforter placing it over the younger boy. brushing jeongin's hair out of his eyes hyunjin signed mumbling incoherent words to himself, jeongin wasn't sure whether he should tell the boy or not that he was awake.

"goodnight innie." jeongin could hear the older whisper before he felt hyunjin place a soft kiss on his forehead. the latter looked over at the clock noticing it how late it was getting, before he even got a chance to talk away he could feel someone grab his wrist. hyunjin looked down at his wrist and then up to jeongin who was staring at him a small tired frown etched on his cute face.

hyunjin looked in confusion at the younger who didn't say anything just tugged his arm. thankfully the taller got the message and sat down on his bed jeongin immediately moving down to lay his head on the boys thighs. nothing was said between the two boys, the yang boy slept peacefully while hyunjin gently played with his hair. despite no words being exchanged it felt like so much was had been discussed through the small gestures.

*・゜・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: hey how y'all doin lol, i was typing this chapter and wattpad decided to delete my last few paragraphs like they just disappeared. anyway sorry i suck at updating i try my best but high school and dance is very difficult. that and i started attack on titans and i've become completely sucked into it so i've been very preoccupied.  i did not proofread this i will one day eventually so if you notice any mistakes PLEASE point them out thank you.
-c <3

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