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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


"hwang hyunjin wake up!" the older quickly sprung up from bed as freezing cold water was dumped on him. he looked over to see jeongin holding a now empty glass of water smiling at him innocently before booking out of the room so fast hyunjin barley saw him leave.

hyunjin tried his best to recall last night but he didn't remember much after they got back to the cabin. all he remembered was going upstairs changing and then going straight to bed. the hwang boy looked dreadfully at his bags which remained unpacked sadly, he sluggishly walked over to them. the blonde haired boy shifted through them looking for a decent outfit to wear.

the only issue is was that he had no clue
what to wear, he tried to recall what jeongin
was wearing but he couldn't remember. so the tall boy just pulled out some random shirt and shorts quickly pulling on the pants. he sprinted over to the bathroom throwing open the door.

"jesus at least knock first!" seungmin shouted at hyunjin around his toothbrush. the kim boy quickly spit out his toothpaste huffing and puffing as he stormed out of the small bathroom. hyunjin groaned looking at his long now wet hair trying to figure out how he was gonna style this.

"is hyunjin almost done getting ready seungmin?" chan rubbed his temple it was only their first official morning at camp and people were already arguing and yelling at one another.

"i don't know." the purple haired boy mumbled playing with his fingers. everyone looked at each other trying to decide who should check on the grumpy boy, no one said a word all just staring at one another.

"NOT IT!" everyone shouted going down on one knee pressing their pointer finger to their nose. they all looked around each other trying to figure out who was last, the silent discussion quickly ended when jeongin unfortunately lost his balance and fell. before anyone could utter a word jeongin held up his hand and then raced back upstairs to the bathroom, there he saw hyunjin standing at the counter, desptrity trying to fix his hair.

"hyunjin we have to leave and go to breakfast." jeongin grabbed the taller boys arm dragging him out of the bathroom. hyunjin looked down at the small hand wrapped around his arm quickly shoving it off of him storming past the younger boy.

jeongin chased after the old boy rolling his eyes. chan probably would've scolded hyunjin for taking forever, but he was much to tired and just wanted to go to breakfast. felix had practically kept him up all night talking to him which quite frankly chan didn't mind. felix was the first aussie chan had met in what felt like forever and the boy was great company. plus he was adorable in chan's opinion but that's a conversation for later of course.

the group walked to breakfast this time all of them walking together. not that hyunjin had much of a choice after jeongin and felix had grabbed his arms yanking him over to the rest of the group. for the most part the boys were quiet letting out an occasional yawn or giggle (the giggles mainly coming from jisung or minho).

the two walked close to one another minho's arm wrapped around jisung's small waist, and jisung's arm resting on minho's shoulders. the couple talked quietly amongst themselves giggling to each other. they were as happy as could be, over the years the distance did become easier but it was still difficult and every year they dreaded the end of summer.

that's the main reason why they were so clingy towards each other, a lot of the campers just thought that they couldn't keep their hands to themselves like some horny teenagers. but that's not the case they just chose to cherish their moments together. and to spend as much time together as possible since they would have to part ways for almost a whole year.

"i heard we're going to the lake sometime this week." changbin broke the silence as the group sat down with their trays of food. chan nodded saying something about how it was scheduled for friday. jeongin felt someone nudging side aggressively, looking over he saw felix was elbowing him.

"he's hot." the freckled boy whispered to the younger boy.

"who changbin?" felix was quick to shake his head nodding his head towards chan who was currently talking to hyunjin, well trying to. jeongin looked back over to his friend who's face was as red as his hair last summer. jeongin just turned back to his food laughing quickly to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: normally i wouldn't update so soon, but my mental health is just rapidly reclining and i'm afraid i won't have the energy to update. so if that does happen i'm really sorry, i'll try my best to update as much as possible but i can't make any promises sadly. i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter sorry if it's not the best i was kinda rushed to publish it asap.
-c <3

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