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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


there was possibly only one thing jeongin hated about camp. that damned train ride he had to take to get to camp, of course, it wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that when he got on the train it was packed and he had to stand while holding all his stuff. and don't even get him started on the uncomfortable seats, it was awful really. but once the train pulled into the station where the old vans sat waiting to pick up him and other campers from the station it was worth it.

so there the raven haired boy sat staring out the window watching the towns and cities. jeongin had been on the train for over an hour according to his watch so he figured he should arrive at the station soon. the yang boy was just beyond excited to see his friends for the first time in almost a year. although they stayed in touch it was hard because of school, clubs, and sports.

jeongin of course had other friends besides just felix and seungmin, he had a few like jongho, wooyoung, and haechan. but the bond he had with them wasn't like his friends from summer camp. jeongin considered seungmin and felix his best friends, he had since the first year at summer camp and he knew that wouldn't change anytime soon.

he got the same feeling every year when he first pulled into the station, jittery he was nervous and excited. every year he swore felix and seungmin would change so much over the year, maturing more and more every year. but once thing didn't change about the both of them, felix's freckles and seugmin's puppy dog eyes, by far one of the cutest things jeongin had seen in his whole life (for now anyway).

jeongin greeted the van driver crawling into the seat next to a girl he knew as chaeyoung, he didn't know her very well, but he did know that she was very kind and well liked around camp. jeongin and chaeyoung chatted during the small drive to camp about school and how summer was so far.

"i finally came out to my parents." chaeyoung smiled to the younger.

"really how did they react, i'm guessing good since you seem excited." chaeyoung's smile only grew wider in excitement.

"they were a little iffy on the idea of me being bi at first but now they're cool with it." jeongin smiled at her congratulating her.

jeongin wished he could come out to his parents, he really did. but the yang family was a very christian family. both his parents were openly homophobic causing the younger to hide away in his shell (or you could say closet). not a lot of jeongin's friends knew this and about his sexuality but those who did know were cool with it, which he was very thankful for.

"alright kids i'll see you guys at the end of summer camp, i hope you guys all have a good time!" jeongin smiled at the driver thanking them before scrambling to get out of the van.

the raven haired boy ran through the entrance trying to look for the cabin marked "grizzly cabin" where he felix and seungmin along with other campers would be staying for the summer. jeongin was quick to spot it running straight to it his bags in hand, the cabins were huge thankfully enough to hold 8 people and possibly extra if you really wanted to.

jeongin didn't even bother to walk just slammed open the door hoping felix and seungmin would be waiting there for him, unfortunately, they weren't instead he was met with 2 sets of eyes staring at him intensely. a shorter boy with brown hair and a taller boy with orange hair were staring at him in confusion.

"no i refuse to share a room with someone i don't care if i have to, i'm not sharing a room with one of you nature lovers." some boy with long blonde hair grumbled before shoving jeongin out of the way storming out the door.

"oh god, don't worry about him he's um i really don't know he's just very angry at the moment." jeongin's ears perked up at the australian accent but instead of it being felix's it was some boy with black hair.

"why don't we all introduce ourselves yeah?" chan asked smiling nervously at the other boys who just stared at jeongin. everyone one by one went around introducing themselves. jeongin learned that minho was the boy with orange hair and his boyfriend he was guessing is the boy with brown hair.

"um have you guys seen two boys by the name of felix and seungmin?" jeongin looked nervously around the cabin, he felt awkward around the group of boys he didn't know and was seeking the comfort from his two best friends.

"yeah actually they're up-" changbin the boy with light brown hair was quickly cut off by two boys one with blonde and the other with purple running downstairs squealing.

"JEONGIN!" the two boys launched themselves at the poor boy causing him to drop his bags and fall. felix was quick to help up jeongin while seungmin grabbed his bags sending an apologetic smile to the younger.

"who am i rooming with?" jeongin asked excitedly, truth be told the boy didn't mind it at all if seungmin and felix were already rooming together. he was looking forward to making friends with the other boys. jeongin's enthusiasm slowly faded as he watched the other boys smiles quickly turn to frowns nervous looks on their faces.

"ah um jeongin i'm really sorry but you're going to have to room with hyunjin." chan was quick to throw the younger boy a nervous apologetic smile.

"who's hyun- ohhhh...isn't there any other room available. please i'll share a bed you don't mind right lixie." felix shook his head at the younger sending him a small smile.

"well this is fantastic." jeongin mumbled grabbing his bags from seungmin, he quickly passed by the other boys and stomped his way upstairs looking for his room. which now that he thought about it he had no clue where it was in the first place.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: this chapter was a little longer than expected but oh well. ps if you find any mistakes feel free to point them out!! i hope you all enjoyed the first chapter i'll see you guys again soon!!!
-c <3

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