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Ricky Noir

Alice looked at me flustered, her eyelashes batting up to me. Her eyes tore away from me after awhile and she cleared her throat which made me let out a low chuckle. Underneath all that confidence I knew how to get to her, she was weak under my touch as well as my words. I adored it deeply.

"Let's get back to the party." She spoke while rustling her hair in the mirror. I stood tall behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders, I could feel the goosebumps rise on her skin.

"You sure? I think you have something else in mind." I leaned down and whispered in her ear, grinning as she shivered. "They're probably guest rooms here if you'd prefer that."


"You'd rather do it in here I bet, you're naughty like that aren't you baby?"

Her breathing was all over the place and I had barely even done anything yet. I puckered my lips around her neck, she rested her head back on my shoulder. My hands ran up to her chest, she wasn't wearing a bra. The only thing covering her was this paper thin dress, her panties were held in my pocket from earlier.

I pulled away from her neck, satisfied with the magenta mark I had left. I took my middle and ring fingers into my mouth and lubricated them with saliva before reaching under her dress. I teasingly grazed her inner thigh, the slightest touch made her squirm. I started gentle with her, circling her clit slowly.

"Fuck," she breathed out softly.

I held my hand over her mouth, "Better be quiet, only I get to hear you."

She hummed lowly, I continued moving. I then wrapped my arm around her waist and held her in a steady position, my fingers moved lower and I pushed upwards. She moaned above me, I stood back up to her and forced my hand over her mouth once again.

"Be good," I told her and she nodded profusely.

Her nails dug into my arm and she bit down on my palm as my fingers curled inside her.

"That's it, good girl."

She pushed my hand away from her and turned her head in my direction, she slammed her lips against mine. We were passionate now more than ever, I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip; begging for entrance which she thankfully allowed. She was needy and clearly wanted something more. I wasn't going to do anything more in this bathroom, when her and I would have sex it wouldn't be on a bathroom counter, she didn't deserve that.

I broke our kiss and moved at a rougher pace. I turned her body back to face the mirror in front of us.

"Look at you, look how pretty you are," I told her. She fluttered her green eyes open and watched, watched me continuously fuck her with my fingers.

Alice grinded against me, eager to finish. She was clearly frustrated and begging to reach an orgasm. She chewed on her lip to prevent herself from making any noise, I loved seeing her like this. Her legs began to lightly shake and her eyes shut as her head leaned back again. I then pulled away from her completely, her back fell against the wall. Her chested moved up and down, I could practically hear her heartbeat as I stood across from her.

"Are you serious?" She scolded me while out of breath.

I shrugged, she lied to me earlier. "Brats don't finish."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Whatever," Alice mumbled annoyed. "Gimme those back," she pointed to the lace in my pocket.  

I shook my head. "I'll keep them for tonight, try not to flash anyone," I teased.

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Fine, close the door on your way out."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well if you can't make me finish I'll just do it on my own."

She was grinning happily at my surprised face. I had never met anyone like Alice, she held a type of power over me that I had yet to understand. I pressed my lips together and pulled the lace panties from my pocket and placed them in her hand, she won. I watched as she pulled them on and adjusted herself in the mirror.

"Come on, we've got a party to attend." Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the washroom, she completed ignored what had just occurred. I scoffed quietly, she was a minx. Alice dragged me out to the patio area where few couples were slow dancing to a soft beat.

Alice eyed me, "Wanna dance?"

"I don't dance. I did it once for you, that's all you're getting."

"Yeah but I'm sober now it's different." She defended and pulled us to the middle of the floor.

I caved in and snaked my arm around her waist as I held her hand in mine. We swayed slowly to the romantic song, she soon held a bored look on her face.

"I enjoyed dancing more when I was drunk." She pouted and I laughed.

Lifting my hand up I twirled her around and pulled her back in before dipping her low. Her eyebrows raised as she became further intrigued.

"I thought you don't dance?"

"Just because I hate it doesn't mean I'm not amazing at it." I told her and gave her a quick peck before bringing her back up.

I was slowly beginning to accept the fact that Alice had become my muse. I had been an independent person for what felt like eternity, it's been quite sometime since I depended on someone. She was the source of majority of my happiness. The thing that shocked me the most was, I wasn't trying to make myself good for her, she made me good for her. Within all the trauma and darkness I've been trapped in she didn't try to fix me or put me back together. No matter how we'll end up, I'll always cherish the day that I met Alice Avery.

Leaving my crowded thoughts I continued dancing with Alice. I spun her out of my grasp and made the decision of pulling her in harshly. A small gasp fell from her lips, she was still very tense from earlier.

"Stop pretending like I didn't almost fuck you a few minutes ago."

She grinned widely, a bright pink flooded her cheeks. She moved right up next to me, the bottom of her stomach pressed up against my dick; providing a friction that I despised.

"Then stop pretending like it was so easy to take your hands off me." 

A vixen she was, Alice was a spontaneous person in every aspect; much like myself. It was almost frightening how similar the two of us were, we were a dangerous pair. Like Bonnie and Clyde, Joker and Harley.

I leaned my head down, our foreheads pressed together. My lips grazed her small smile. I held my hands around her lower back while she rested her arms on my shoulders.

"You are indeed, my obsession." I spoke before kissing her for what felt the hundredth time. Although there was one thing I was absolutely sure of, I would never get tired of it.

I can't describe the stress I went through while writing this chapter 😁😁👍🏼👍🏼

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