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Alice Avery

I must've read the message over and over again as I was shocked that Ricky even texted me. I didn't entirely think he'd want to voluntarily spend time around me. I contemplated whether I should go or not and figured what the hell. I opened Theo's door and found him out cold face first on his bed. I shut his door silently, put my shoes on and locked the door on my way out. As promised, Ricky stood in the dim lit parking lot awaiting my arrival. He wore the same outfit from the concert with a backpack slung over his shoulder by one strap.

"Couldn't get enough of me huh?" I grin and meet him at the edge of the lot.

"Be grateful I invited you," he says. "I'm a catch."

"Yeah right," I snicker as we walk along the concrete sidewalk. "So where exactly are we going?" I ask and shove my hands into the back pockets of my jeans.

"Just wait 'till we get there, quit asking questions." He dismisses. I roll my eyes jokingly and kick a stone around on the sidewalk.

I followed him to wherever the hell we were going and we just stayed silent while we walked.  I had gotten used to the whole bipolar persona of Ricky Noir. I soon felt droplets on rain fall on my forehead and heard Ricky groan.

"Fuckin' perfect." He mutters unhappily. He took off his leather jacket and held it over his head. Meanwhile, I ran into the dark empty road and let the downpour hit me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ricky yells at me from the sidewalk whilst I moved to lay down in the middle of the road.  I absolutely adored rain, it was my favorite type of weather, It was my sense of comfort. Las Vegas doesn't get much rain so I try to make the most of it when it does.

I closed my eyes and listened to the rain fall beside me. The wind whistled through the trees as heard Ricky's footsteps approach me. "Now this, this is wonderland."  I say with a toothy smile and open my eyes.

"Laying in the rain?" He questions.

"Laying in the rain." I state. "Try it," I suggest and he shakes his head and keeps his leather protection above his head. "Just try it Ricky, it's worth it I swear."

He looks at me with uncertainty but sits down beside me and lays on his back. "I don't get it."

"Shush, just listen." I say with my hand up and force the rain and wind to sound over us.

We sat for a few minutes before he spoke again, "This is boring, we're stopping."

"Well then, what's your wonderland?" I try to stall as I stay still on the ground with my eyes still closed.

"A pound of weed and a few lines of coke," he answers quickly. "Maybe throw in a bottle of vodka and a few cigs too."

"You serious?"

"Partly," he answers. "If afterlife is a thing maybe that too."

The conversation turned dark quickly and I opened my eyes and brought my head up. "Why do you think that?" The question came out before I could even realize what I was saying. I mentally smacked myself as I've probably made him angry.

To my surprise he holds his hand out to me and helps me up. "Death is easy, life his hard," Ricky says. "There's gotta be some place better then this."

I just nodded, I wasn't sure how to reply to that. We began walking again as the rain died down. Soon the clouds were dry and  faded away and the only thing covering the sky were the bright stars. We walked for a few more minutes until Ricky stopped in front of an alleyway and walked into the dark corridor.

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