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Alice Avery

I sped away from the race to not only ignore Trent's gloating but to hopefully find some desired peace. A standard late night drive wasn't doing the job so I went for a second option. I went through dozen's of side streets and drove along a dirt road until I reached the abandon building that sat in the middle of nowhere.

I grabbed a pack of cigs, my lighter and a trusted bottle of tequila. I climbed my way up to the roof and sat myself on the edge. I then lit my cigarette and puffed out the smoke as I admired the moon and stars that painted the sky.

I very slowly began feeling calmer even though I just made an absolute idiot of myself back at the race. I attempted to shake the feeling and reached for my phone, opening my music app I clicked on Mötley Crüe's, Home Sweet Home.

"You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold"

I hummed the lyrics and took another drag of the cigarette

"I had to run away high, so I wouldn't come home low"

Vince Neil's exotic voice filled the air around me. I closed my eyes and slowly bopped my head to the music.

"Mötley Crüe huh?" A voice sounds behind me. I turn around to see Ricky walking towards me. "I didn't take you for a Crüe chick."

"What can I say, I'm full of surprises." I call out and turn back around to the city and puff the smoke out of my mouth. "What are you doing here?" I ask in a bored voice and he sits down on the ledge next to me.

"I've been coming up here since I was a kid." He answers and then pulls a small bag of white powder from his pocket. "You?"

"Was driving around a few months ago and found it, nice view." I reply.

I turned down the music as Ricky snorted the powder from his finger. "You did good." He says out of the ordinary and I turned towards him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What exactly did I do good?"

"The race," He answers. "Trent's a reckless bastard."

"Yeah," I scoff with a sarcastic laugh. "I can be reckless too." The word 'reckless' was a compliment word, at least it was for me.

"Could've fooled me." Ricky mutters rudely under his breath. I grab the bottle of tequila and cracked it open and took a large drag. The burning sensation ran down my throat and I felt the need for more. Ricky then snatched the bottle from my hand and began drinking.

"I'll trade you." He says and puts the bag of cocaine in my hand. "Need me to show you how to do it?"

I roll my eyes and shake the powder on my index finger and shoot it up my nose. I've only done coke with Mandy a few times but it tends to make me pretty woozy. Ricky and I exchanged the liquor and drug to each other countless times and soon we were well past sober.

"You fucked Candace Smith in my bed and I found your empty condom the next morning." I snorted out laughing as my head fell back. Ricky's face displayed a smile; not a some idiot smirk, but a smile.

"In my defense it was the only room open, if it makes you feel any better I don't even remember it." He says with his hands up in surrender.

I take another sip from the large tequila bottle. "So," I slur out. "What are you running from tonight?" Ricky pulls a joint from his pocket and lights it up. He doesn't answer for a few minutes and enjoys the weed held between his fingers.

"My mother." He finally answers, sober me would say that was cheesy.

His playful voice vanished and he spoke him his normal tone. My goofy drunken face falls and I pull out another cigarette. "Why are you running from your mother?"

"Just marked off 12 years since she died; was a meth head." He says and lays his back down against the roof. I don't say anything and join him as we stare up into the stars.

"What are you running away from?"

"My mother too, and my father." I answer and I sense him turning towards me. I face him and he appears to be closer than I expected. "They were abusive." I answer the question that I assume was looming around in his head.

"Guess we're both just some troubled kids." He says and his eyes meet mine in an intense stare. Ricky's hand cupped my cheek and I let it happen; too drunk and high to tell him off. The pad of his thumb slowly caressed my cheek and I allowed myself to move closer to him.

"Welcome to wonderland Alice." Ricky says, an electric shock runs through my body before he leans forward and the sensation of his lips press against mine.

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