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Alice Avery

My eyes pinched open and I was faced with the blinding Las Vegas sun. I woke up slightly confused but everything soon came back to me. I remembered the horrid yet interesting events from last night: I lost to Trent, I got teased about my parents, I got drunk and high with Ricky and finally, we shared our dark, painful past and finished with a kiss.

I came back to reality and realized I wasn't alone on the roof, Ricky had fallen asleep too. I was clung onto Ricky's arm as he laid there fast asleep. I slowly removed my arm to prevent him from waking up; knwoing that he's throw a fit. I wasn't looking to be screamed at today.

I grabbed my things and got down from the roof as quickly and quietly as possible. I was almost to my car when I heard a pair of rapid footsteps against the stone driveway. Ricky's large hands gripped my shoulders and spun me around to face him then slammed me against my car door in full aggression.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed. I was expecting aggression but nothing physical. I figured he'd yell until he lost his voice but hey, maybe this is better. He just stared at me intensely without saying a word. I tried to pry his hands off of me but there was no use. "Listen you need to calm down and-"

"Shut up!" He yelled, completely cutting me off. "We drank and got high. Neither of us were thinking straight. You tell anyone about any of this and I'll fucking kill you, we aren't friends. I don't care about you."

He made me furious just by talking to me like that. "We're on the same page don't you worry." I said roughly and use my full force to shove him off of me. "I don't give a fuck about you either."

I got into my car and I drove off, I quickly checked my phone and had a spam of text messages from Mandy and Theo, along with Nico. Nico and I had exchanged numbers at my party, I felt like it was a road to a good friendship. I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and picked up my speed and drove home.

By the time I got home I opened the door and my eyes widen in fear at the sight of a bleeding Theo on the floor. I ran by his side and held his head up on my lap. "Theo! Hey c'mon wake up!" I exclaim and shake his unconscious body. He was severely beaten, he looked like he needed hospital attention but I was pretty hopeful I'd be able to help him.

"A-Alice?" He stammers with squinted eyes.

"C'mon T, you gotta sit up." I instruct and he leans his back against the the wall. I rush into the bathroom for medical supplies. "Who the hell did this to you?" I ask sternly and squat in front of him.

"It-Ah!" His face screws as the wet cloth makes contact with the deep wound on his face. "Alice I'm sorry." He says and pushed my hand away from him.

"What are you talking about? Let me help you!"

"It's my fault Ali!" He exclaims and my eyebrows furrow, he's starting to worry me.

"What the fuck is going on Theo?" I ask in a low serious tone and his face completely falls

He lets out a big sigh. "When I threw the party, Trent showed up. I was hammered and I said something I shouldn't have." He said his last sentence ever so quietly that I almost didn't hear him, but I damn well did. At that moment I knew he said something to Trent about my parents. My face turned to pure rage. How could he? And to my enemy?

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