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Alice Avery

My chipped purple painted nails bounced along my steering wheel as my engine roared fiercely. The man beside me turned my way and pursed his lips at me. He was quite the amateur. This race would be an breeze, although with my luck, being a woman in street racing doesn't have many perks. I'm highly underestimated but as I've grown with the job I've learned to just stop caring. It's too exhausting to care about what people think of you

The infamous model like blonde walks between the two cars. The outfit was outrageously skimpy but in a way I respect it. You got the confidence, show it. There's no crime in that. The black and white checkered flag was held up high in the air as her hips rolled to the revving of the engines. The flag flung down and I took off like a rocket, my Doc Martens hit the gas pedal like lightning.

My easy head start was taken and I looked to my rear view mirror to see him trailing behind me, I switched gears and sped up faster. The poor guy was miles behind me and a smile came to my face thinking about all the cash I'd be going home with tonight. A $50 fee had to be paid by everyone who wants to witness the races, street racing was a bit of a secret, it's like we had an underground society. Shockingly, it pays unexpectedly well and that's why my cousin, Theo and I do this full time.

I was born into a cruel family, my parents were constantly abusive. Theo was a safe place of mine, the second I turned 21 we both took a one way ticket to Las Vegas and never looked back. Here we are a year later and we've turned out alright. Street racing wasn't the lifestyle I expected but we both adore it and it pays the bills.

I reached the finish line with a crowd surrounding my car. I got out with a satisfied smile on my face as my best friend Mandy came prancing up to me. "And she does it again" she praises with a grin and throws her arm over my shoulder.

"You know what I do best." I say nonchalantly and hear her chuckle. We then approached Razzle to collect my winnings from the night. Razzle is the heart and soul of this place, he's the reason Theo and I have a job. He runs all the races, money, bets, locations, you name it. He's the Dumbledore of street racing. Razzle was also one of the few people who believed in me. I've been told I should give up or quit but Razzle was always quick to bring me back.

"It's all there darling." Razzle spoke brightly and hands me a paper bag full of green cash. My eyes lit up at the sight, men really are only good for a few things in life.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." I say with an overdramatic sarcastic bow and he gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I knew I wasn't well liked here, losing to a woman threatens a man's ego. They would often make excuses for it to avoid embarrassment. I guess it's just too hard to accept a loss, it's childish in my opinion.

Suddenly, red and blue lights began painting the scene and we all knew the drill. We didn't get busted by cops often but when we did we were always good at fleeing. I scrambled into my car and speed of into the night. Usually after races there's huge after parties that are really just a drinking fest. It was likely for me to attend for the hell of it but sometimes I preferred the comfort of my own bed. I drove around for awhile to ensure that I didn't have any cops on my tail and headed to the liquor store. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed the hefty bag of cash to make a purchase not caring if I looked like a drug dealer or not.

I snatched the last bottle of vodka off the shelf and turned to check out but instead came in contact with a broad chest. The vodka bottle crashed to the floor and in result glass laid just about everywhere.

"Hey! Watch it!" I warn at the tall figure and look up into his deep blue eyes. I'd know him anywhere, anyone would. Though he's cocky enough as it is so I wouldn't mention that. Ricky Noir, what a charming man. He's sort of a legend in the racing community, for both racing and sexual purposes.

"Try walking with your head up next time." He snapped at me and pushed past me to grab a case of beer. With a frustrated huff, I left
empty handed and drove back home.

The radio hummed quietly as I drove through the Las Vegas streets with my windows all the way down. I pulled into the apartment complex and heard terrible music blasting and I instantly knew that it sourced from Theo and I's apartment. Hoping there wasn't some party going on, I pushed my keys through the slot and opened up.

The worn out grey sofa sat Theo and three of his friends who I quickly recognized as other known racers. Link Sorely, Nico Hazer and Ricky Noir. Their names spread through the streets like wildfires. Ricky's cold stare sank into me, of course the speed demon would get here before me. I had never met any of Theo's friends, I was never around when he hung out with them.

"Didn't know the circus was in town." I muttered under my breath as I close the door. I grabbed a beer off the coffee table and cracked the cap off with my teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Theo jumped out of his seat and all eyes glue to me.

I took a long swig of the liquid and then looked at him questionably, "I live here don't I?"

"No after party?"

"Cops busted the lane, I played it safe." I answered and started walking off to go take a shower, though I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder. "You aren't going to introduce me to your boyfriends?"

"Don't pretend you don't know us." Ricky scoffed in a cocky tone and I rolled my eyes. He acts like he's all high and mighty, I can't stand people like that.

"Right, 'cause everyone knows you. I mean, you've slept with majority of Vegas." I fire back and he rolled his eyes back at me and turns his attention back to the TV. The guy made me drop my vodka, I can be as harsh as I want.

"Link meet Alice, Alice meet Link." Theo introduces Link and I and he looks me up and down. "Nico meet Alice, Alice meet Nico." Theo says in a bored tone and I turn to Nico who as a perky smile on his face. "And it appears Ricky and you already know each other."

"You're Alice Avery? I always thought Alice Avery was a dude." Link spoke in an unsettling tone.

"In the flesh," I say. "And I'm all woman."

"You certainly are." Link's comment made my jaw twitch, it was definitely intended to be sexual. I met him about two minutes ago.

I leave the guys to there boyish activities and head to the bathroom. The reality of my life in Las Vegas was still sinking in. Theo had been my best friend my entire life, he was the most important person to me. Our mothers are sister and while he got the wholesome one, I got the bat shit crazy one. My father was just as bad as her if not worse, he's the reason I never wear belts anymore. My family, or lack there of, defined me as a person in a very harsh way. I wish I could change who I was, to be someone loving and charismatic but my life just hasn't worked out that way. I don't feel much anymore, everything just feels kind of numb, it all stays the same. It's tiring and irreversible. Even when Theo and I left for Vegas, I was completely unable to feel like a person. I was trapped, maybe I still am.

I stepped out of the shower and ran my hand over the fogged up mirror and wrapped a towel around my wet body. There's not many moments when I look like this, bare, natural. It almost made me feel vulnerable and I couldn't quite understand it.

Suddenly, the bathroom door bursted open and my hands gripped around my towel to ensure it stayed on my body. Ricky stood in the doorway with a sly smile on his face and took a step towards me.

"Alice, you wanna go to wonderland?"

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