Ricky Noir
Donna was a cheery as she usually was, insisted that her diner was our first stop after we came back from Santa Monica. Alice and I stayed for about two hours and caught up with her. Donna expressed how business was extremely slow and she struggled to keep the place afloat yet she still refused to charge us, I had to practically shove the money into her register. Despite the bad news she shared she still had a big smile plastered on her face the entire visit.
"To Theo's?" Alice asks as we walk back to my car. I climbed into the drivers side and she set herself in the passenger.
"To Theo's." I reply as I start the engine and pull out of the parking lot.
I was stoked for this weekend. I loved going to Santa Monica and looked forward to it every year. All the regulars were going, Trent and Link were skipping out this year. Trouble wouldn't follow us to California and that in itself was relieving.
Once getting to Theo's, Alice and I made our way up to his apartment. Alice used her key and let us in. "He's probably still in bed." Alice says quietly and walks to her bedroom.
I sat on her unmade bed and leaned my head against the headboard. "It's almost noon," I mention.
"I know. I'll wake him up before we leave." She says as she picks up various things and packs them into a grey Jans Sport backpack. "Could you go put on some coffee?"
"Am I your maid now?"
"That's what boyfriends are for." She says with a grin and kissed my cheek once I stand up.
"Yes ma'am."
Walking past Theo's room to the kitchen I head rustling behind his door but ignored it, filing up the pot with water. I leaned against the counter and tapped my fingers on the marble as I waited. In came Alice with her backpack and dropped it next to her, grabbing two mugs.
I dropped my head to her level to get a better look at the smile on her face. "You're extra happy today."
"I'm excited," she corrects.
"Yeah. I've never been to Santa Monica." She says with a smile and begins to pour the hot liquid into each mug. She grabbed some sugar and stirred some in each. "I've always wanted to see California."
"I think you'll be underwhelmed." I tell her truthfully.
"Yeah? Why do you say that?" She questions, laughing into her mug before she takes a sip.
"You live in Las Vegas. It doesn't get much better than this."
She grinned, "yeah I guess you're right." Alice set her mug down. "Alright I'll say bye to Theo and we'll be on our way, yeah?"
"You're the boss," I nod at her.
Alice walked back through the hallway. I heard her knock on the door of Theo's bedroom before opening it. "Holy shit!"
I pushed myself off the counter and quickly joined Alice at Theo's doorway. "Jesus Theo, are you kidding me?"
Underneath thin bedsheets Theo and Candace laid cuddled up together. Candace looked smitten, Theo embarrassed with wide eyes. "I would get up right now but that's a show you don't want to see." Theo said, no one laughed except his hookup. He cleared his throat, "you never called, I didn't think you'd be coming by today."
"I just needed to pick up a few things for this weekend," Alice said. Her eyes only on Theo, refusing to acknowledge the woman in her cousins bed.
"Shit," he sighed. "What time is it?"
"Almost noon," Alice answers. "Ricky bought plane tickets for the two of us so we won't be driving with you."
Candace welcomes herself into the conversation. "You two? You guys are together?" She asks and reverts her eyes to me, batting her eyelashes. "Hi Ricky."
"Yes, we're together." I told her, defeated she looks, Alice loves it.
"I'll see you at the hotel tonight?" Alice narrows her eyes at Theo.
"What's tonight?" Candace asked, turning her head to Theo. My God was she clueless.
Alice let out a harsh breath. "We're going to Santa Monica for the weekend and no, you can't come. I'll see you later, Theo." Alice said before slamming the door and walking away.
"What was that?" I ask her as she grabs her bag and throws it over her shoulder.
"Nothing," she answers dismissively. "Let's go."
Alice makes her way to the door but I grab her arm, yanking her towards me and she drops her bag in the process. "You holding a grudge on her?" She just rolled her eyes at me. "Jealous, huh?"
Her laughed was laced with sarcasm. "Jealous?" She scoffed.
"It's hot." I told her and she glared at me. "I don't care about Candace, alright? Fuck her."
"You already did, baby."
I looked down at her, locking my eyes with hers. "Alice."
"Whatever." Her eyes rolled again.
My left hand holding her wrist, I grabbed her neck with my right and brought her lips to mine. Her hands gripped my shoulders and her nails dug into my back. She kissed my with so much anger, I didn't understand why she was so angry but I didn't mind it.
She pushed me away from her after a few seconds, a shove filled with aggression despite the look she gave me. If Theo wasn't home we'd be back in her bedroom.
"I'm with you, you know that." I told her and she licked her lips. "You're the only one, baby. Only you."
She tried to hide her smile of satisfaction but I saw it. She picked up her bag, "let's go." She walked out the door and I followed.