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Alice Avery

The drive was excruciating, my adrenaline was overpowering me. My head was spinning like I was on a merry-go-round.

"We're almost there." Brooks announced, him and I sat in the front of a black van; I was never told who was in the back.

"What exactly happens when we get there?"

"Don't worry about it," he shuts me down again.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't keep not telling me things."

Brooks sighed. "Once we get there we'll kill the man who is controlling the boat and we'll steal it."

"Seems easy enough."

"Except for the part where we get shot at," he added. "It's a lot more complicated then you think. There's loads of security, cameras, guards, guns, knives. There is always an obstacle, so no, it's not easy."

It was odd being around someone so serious about their work. I was young, immature, and inexperienced. Brooks was older and wiser than I. He was constantly in control, dominating. 

"What happens if I get shot?"

"You'd probably fall down, bleed out, cry-"

"Brooks, stop fucking around." I demanded. "Am I going to get left behind?"

"What happens if you get shot? It depends where it is, how bad it is, how much blood there is. Some get left behind but you, not a chance. You don't get left behind."

I scoffed, "refreshing."

"You'll be fine," he assured. "Just remember, shoot first." Brooks dimmed the head lights on the van and slowed down the gas. I held a tighter grip on my gun that Brooks seemed to acknowledge. "Stop worrying," he said. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"I know that." The van came to a stop and I stepped out, unsure of what to do next.

"Follow me, stay behind ad keep your gun close." Brooks instructed and I complied, following close behind him. A group of footsteps came rushing past us and moved ahead; I took a step forward and Brooks gripped my arm and pulled me back. "What did I just say to you?"

"I want to go with them," I say.

"You don't get to, stay here Alice."

I let out a frustrated huff and glared at him. "You told me to shoot first, I'll be shooting you first if you don't let me go."

"No," he denied.

I loaded my gun. "I'm going whether you come with me or not."

He stayed silent and shook his head. "Your father is going to murder me." He muttered before he took my hand. We ran and caught up with the group ahead of us.

I noticed Colton and Reed within the crowd and somehow found comfort in that. Up ahead I noticed a large gate, first obstacle. "Where is everyone else?" I whisper to Brooks.

"They'll come in if something goes wrong." He answered and I nodded to myself.

Our three second conversation caused both Colton and Reed to turn around to us. Colton's eyes went wide, "Brooks what the fuck are you doing, she shouldn't be up here."

"I know," he sighed.

"So why is she?"

"Why are you?" I barged in and Colton looked to me.

"It's my job."

"It's mine too, for the night anyway."

Colton rolled his eyes, I saw Reed smile, "I like her."

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