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Spicy chapter ;)

Alice Avery

"He's sneaky, might tap your bumper a few times. He'll swerve, he's dangerous and even more so now that he's racing you."

Ricky continued rambling on about all the red flags Link carried. I was racing him tonight, Link has quickly become the person to beat based on his close bond with Trent. We naturally have each other in our bad books.

"Ricky." I interrupted him and placed my hands on his shoulders.


"Just let me drive."

He looked down to me, "You remember what I said?"

I rolled my eyes, "Taps bumper, excessive swerving. I got it."

I got back into my car and started the engine. I didn't bother engaging with Link at all, I didn't need to provoke him. Ricky was right, this was a dangerous race, Link wouldn't be afraid to rough me up a bit.

Candace walked up with the same flag in her hand. I didn't take my eyes away from her, my eyes were glued to the checkered flag she held in her hand. Once it swung down, I bolted.

In an instant Link's car found it's way right up beside mine, almost hitting my drivers side door. He turned to the right the slightest but it was still enough the rock my car to the side. My head whipped around to look at him, I glared at him whilst he smiled at me devilishly. My pettiness got the better of me and I swerved to the left and knocked his car. Link's face fell and quickly turned to anger, he suddenly slammed on his breaks. I looked in my rear view mirror to find him a good distance behind me. I don't know what his intentions were but I kept my speed ahead of him. Seconds later I was jolted forward over my steering wheel, my hands moved frantically and I swerved out of the way. We became neck and neck again, pushing against each others cars. In a flash he swerved away from me and sped up in front of me. My stomach dropped at the sight of him ahead of

Acting under pressure I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I stepped on the gas pedal until I was right on his tail and slammed into his bumper.

"Yeah how you like that baby!" I screamed through my open windows.

I knocked into his bumper again and again and again until he finally swerved away. I dug my foot into my gas pedal as a pathway opened up and I was back in the lead. It was almost over, the finish line came into sight. He was a few meters behind me from what I could tell but I refused to look over my shoulder. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't hear anything, everything was in slow motion. In a split second, the race was over. The motion was back, cheers filled the street as I had just crossed the finish line and won.

I pushed down on the break pedal and smiled to myself, I had just beat Link and used his own violence against him. I stood up on my drivers seat and stuck my torso out of the sunroof. My hands were in the air and the music from my stereo was louder than ever. My chest was heavy and moved up and down rapidly, those last few seconds of the race felt inhuman. Everything in my body had just completely shut off, just pure adrenaline.

Mandy and Nico suddenly both ran up to my car and climbed up on the hood. They both threw themselves onto me in a bear hug. "Party at my place!" Mandy exclaimed after I turned off my car.

I walked further into he crowded street in hopes of finding Ricky. I searched for him and soon finally found him by the keg stand, accompanied by Candace. Jealousy fueled inside of me, my face turned to a scowl. He was just standing there though, who am I to judge? Although I was upset at the fact that he most likely missed my race to talk to her instead. I watched him get close to her, I watched her smile and her laugh, I watched him caress her, and I finally watched him kiss her.

I swallowed the lump held in my throat and made my way over. Razzle just so happened to be over near the keg stand too. Razzle handed me over the money, a sympathetic look on his face. Ricky ruined the night for me.

"Thanks," I murmured to Razzle and headed straight back to my car and drove to Mandy's

I will admit that the more I thought about it, he was doing absolutely nothing wrong. We never made any rules or boundaries and maybe that was my fault. That didn't change the face that I was hurt, I expected more from him. I became dependent on him which was something I thought I'd never do. My sadness was soon replaced with anger, I was fond of revenge. I know it's been told that revenge won't change what's already happened but I know for a fact that he makes you feel a whole that better. I was fond of revenger, and I was damn good at it.

When I arrived at Mandy's I already had an idea set in place. I saw Link's car in the driveway and went through the house to find him. Overtime both Ricky and I developed a hatred for Link, especially at the bar that one night when they fought. Ricky claimed that only he could touch me, that I was his to have Tonight I'd abolish that.

I later found Link outside in the backyard alongside Jaxon, I interrupted them. "Link," I announced. "A word?"

They both turned to me, Link gave me a funny look. "I don't wanna talk to you, shouldn't you be suckin' up to Noir right about now?"

"He's who I wanted to talk to you about," I sighed. He raised an eyebrow at me then nodded to Jaxon before he left us to talk

"Even though you fucked up my car and pissed me off in that race, I'm asking for your help."

"You asking me for a favor, I don't think so." He shook his head and chuckled a bit.

"Don't you wanna get back at him for that night in the bar? He did quite the number on you." I taunted and he rolled his eyes. He looked as if he was debating whether or not he would help me, I know he'll cave, there's no way he'd turn this down.

He let out a sigh, "What's your plan?"


I poured the tan liquid into the plastic cup in my hand and watched as the house became crowded with people along with the backyard. I haven't seen Ricky or Candace yet and I automatically thought the worst, maybe they went back to his place. I wandered around the house until I found Mandy in the living room with most of the group, Candace and Ricky had finally shown.

I circled the room, "How about a game of spin the bottle?" I offered and held the empty bottle in my hand.

"Why not?" Link spoke up and I set the bottle down in the middle of the table. The game consisted of me, Mandy, Nico, Link, Razzle, Candace, Ricky, Jaxon, and a few of Mandy's friends.

"I'll go first," Nico spoke and spun the bottle. It landed on a friend of ours named Ellie, they shared a quick kiss and I moved to sit on the couch in between Ricky and Mandy.

"My turn," I grinned. Ricky shot me a glare that I saw from the corner of my eye, I ignored him and spun the bottle. I watched it spin rapidly and I awaited for it to stop. It began to slow down and soon enough it stopped on someone across from me.


A large smirk grew on my face, I turned to Ricky. "I'm gonna steal your girl."

I stood to my feet and stepped over to her, she had a sweet smile. I grabbed Candace by the neckline of her shirt and pulled her towards me. I crashed my lips on hers, her hand cupped my cheek once she kissed me back. I've thought about this before I won't lie, Candace and I shared a weird sexual tension sometimes. I broke our kiss and started kissing her down to her neck. A hickey began to form on the skin just under her jaw. The commentary from around us was mumbled surprised statements, I didn't hear Ricky participate. I pulled away from her, the lucky girl looked star struck.

"It's getting a bit hot in here don't you think?" I pulled my shirt off, followed by my pants and shoes. Link followed my lead and stripped down to his boxers. The two of us ran out to the backyard and jumped into the pool. The rest of the group joined in as well and people from all over the backyard jumped into the crowded pool. I eyed Ricky as he stepped in.

I grew excited as I was pushed against the pool wall. The kiss between the two of us was heavy, angry, and full of lust. One of his hands rested on my hip and the other on the side of my neck. I ran my fingers down his chest and looked out ahead of my and made direct eye contact. I stared at Ricky from afar as he watched Link kiss the lips he had once claimed as only his.


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