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Alice Avery

A blinding sun shun through the open curtains of my bedroom window, I rubbed my eyes in hopes of adjusting to the brightness. I immediately noticed the unfamiliar dip in my bed, turning to my right I came face to face with a fast asleep Ricky. Last night kicked in, I wonder what he'll think when he wakes up. I thought for the worst, maybe he'd get defensive again.

He slept with his lips parted, I found it amusing that he slept with a slight scowl on his face. My fingers tousled through his bed head and he moved around slightly, snuggling further into my comforter. He appeared harmless even with tattoos and all, head empty, just silence.

Ricky's eyes began to flutter open, his nose scrunched up in an adorable manner. His eyes were bright, not dark and cold like I was used to.

"You watching me sleep Ali?" His raspy morning voice spoke; music to my ears.

"I don't feel the need to further feed your ego." I said and threw one of my decorative pillows at him. His laugh was light and carefree.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby." I answered and pulled the covers up over my shoulders. I somehow got back to my overthinking, "Look about last night I'm sorry if I-"

"Hey," he interrupted me. "You don't need to worry about anything anymore. We're good, everything's good."

I let out a sigh of relief, I hated the need to be constantly reassured but I couldn't help it. "Okay," I whispered.

His fingers brushed over my face, moving a few strands of my dark hair behind my ear. Ricky planted a sweet kiss to my temple.

Suddenly, the smell of a freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Shit, I forgot about Theo. My bedroom door swung open with Theo behind it holding two steaming mugs.

"Good morning," he said in a cheery tone that was clearly forced. He walked over and handed us each a mug, he never broke eye contact from Ricky.

"Thanks T." I said normally in hopes of loosening the tension in the air. I sat up against my headboard and held the hot cup in my hands.

Theo's arms crossed, time for lecture. "Are you two dating?"

"No." Ricky and I both state in unison, I was glad we were on the same page.

Theo's eyebrows raised, "But you slept together..."

"Yes Theo, we slept next to each other. Nothing sexual." Ricky told him. "Yet," he muttered under his breath only to me. Theo was unfazed, we were lucky he didn't hear that.

"Fine I believe you," Theo caved and rolled his eyes. "Try and keep it in your pants please."

Theo left without any more questions and Ricky and I stayed in bed to finish our coffee. A part of me wondered what Theo would think if Ricky and I seriously got together. Not that it's any of his business but I'm sure he'd have a whole fucking speech ready.

"So," Ricky set his mug on the bedside table
before turning my way. "You wanna fuck now?"

"You aren't funny," my eyes narrowed towards him.

"I'm hilarious."

I rolled my eyes boringly and climbed out of bed. I opened my window fully and let the warm air hit me.

"We should go to the beach today." I say, he's now stood up and had met me at the window.

"We? I've spent too much time with you, I'm ditching you today." He stood close behind me, his hands rested over top of me on the outline  of the window.

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