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Alice Avery

I hadn't heard from Ricky in about a week. I figured after our talk or lack there of, I wouldn't hear from him. I decided that I'd try to talk to him tonight, just to try and clear the air and be civil. I had gotten Theo to give me the address and room number and by the time I got there I had no clue what I was going to say to him. Yet I swallowed my uncertainty and made my way up to his apartment.

I walked through the corridors of his apartment building until I found the desired room number. I banged a few knocks and waited patiently for him to answer. I heard a pair of quick footsteps to which an out of breath Ricky opened the door. My eyes slightly widened at the sight.

"What are you doing here?" He asks out in a barely noticeable panic.

"I just-"

I stopped my sentence when I say Candace appear behind Ricky with a thin grey sheet draped over her naked body. Now that's why he was out of breath.

I scoffed and let out a tiny laugh. "Well at least you did it in your own bed this time," I spoke and his lips parted.

I walked away from his surprised expression and left to head home. It wasn't like I was shocked, I've gotten used to Ricky's sexual desires and I've accepted them. My thoughts switched and I remembered Theo had a race tonight, I figured I'd attend to get out for the night. I didn't know when I'd be able to talk to Ricky, or if I'd be able to at all. Maybe I should just forget about the whole thing. 

I began getting ready and wore a pair of black skinny jeans as well as a cropped black T-shirt. I tied a loose bandana around my neck and slipped on my black vans. Theo was up with Link tonight and since they're buddies it's not gonna be some huge competition, it didn't matter who won.

I pulled up to the race and met up with Razzle at the keg stand. "Hey hot stuff, I've been meaning to talk to you." He says and hands me a red solo cup filled with beer.

"What's up?"

"How does November 1st sound for your race with Trent?" He asks. The date was about 5 months away, I hadn't expected such a long timeline but I'd take it.

"Should be fine just run it over with Trent."

"Already have," he says. The race would take place about a month after Santa Monica. I really hope we'll pull through with the money.

A loud roar of engines filled my ear and Razzle and I headed over to Theo and Link's cars. I hadn't seen Ricky or Candace; figured they went for round two.

"Where's lover boy tonight?" Razzle asks referring to the devil himself.

"How should I know?" I shrug and take a sip from my cup.

He turns towards me and gives me a 'are you fucking kidding me look'. "The two of you have been attached at the hip for the past few weeks." He tells me.

"We hung out a few times, quite acting like he's my fucking boyfriend." I even surprised myself with the harsh tone I spoke in. Razzle looked at me like I was his kid who just gave him attitude. "Sorry," I muttered.

"You're all in your head these days y'know?"

"Yeah don't remind me," I sigh. I couldn't exactly put my finger on why, it couldn't all be because of Ricky. I watched as Theo and Link took off in their cars, my mind drifted back to my conversation with Link. He sure as hell sounded convincing, but even if it was complete lies, why would he want to know about the whole situation?

I left halfway through the race, wasn't exactly worth staying around for. I drove to the nearest liquor store and snagged a bottle of vodka off the shelf. I made my way to the check out and handed the cashier my I.D.

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