Alice Avery
It's been a few days since the race and the lovely bruise around my eye is beginning to fade away. Today was my birthday, I turn 22. Roughly about a year ago is when Theo and I moved to Las Vegas, that's a lot more to celebrate rather than my birthday. Then again I have never celebrated my birthday before, it was just another day in my books.
"He really got your money back?!" Mandy exclaims to me as she spreads the purple nail polish across my nail. It was late in the afternoon when Mandy called me over to her place.
"What about it?" I shrug. "It's somewhat human decency."
"Ricky Noir doesn't have human decency." She says and I scoff while I blow the painted nail dry. "And you're done." She says and I look at my freshly painted fingertips.
"C'mon I'll drive you back to your place, I'm sure Theo wants to see you." Mandy rushes me out and we begin driving back to my apartment.
"I swear to God if there is something waiting for me at home-"
"Relax Alice, quit being so miserable. You have the attitude of a petty old lady." Mandy cuts me off and I roll my eyes playfully. I admit it, I act like a brat majority of the time.
After a short drive, we pulled into the complex parking lot and I noticed the increased number of cars. I recognized a few of them and Theo was the type of person to throw a party without my approval. Mandy and I walked up to the front door and I unlocked it expecting a jump scare but instead, pitch black darkness. I wait a moment before flicking the light switch and in comes Theo with an attempted jump scare.
"Happy birthday!" He yells and a group of people stand behind him. A few local friends as well as: Razzle, Nico, and Ricky. I thank the genius for not inviting Link. I give Theo a small smile before heading to the assortment of liquor on the kitchen counter.
"Happy birthday Alice." Nico meets me with a huge smile plastered on his face. "How's it feel, you're a big senior citizen now."
"Oh please, I'm barely legal." I say considering I'm only 22. Theo and his friends were around the ages of 24 while Razzle was nearing his thirties.
"You understand that I am going to play 22 by Taylor Swift tonight, right?" He says with a grin and hands me a shot.
"Just let me get a few drinks down first."
"You got it boss." Nico says and we shoot down our shots.
"No chaser princess?" Ricky's voice rings through my ears as he walks into the kitchen. Nico and I set our glasses down.
"No damn chaser." I state.
"Oh drama, I'll leave you to it." Nico perks up and rushes off. "Tell me all about it later!" He whisper yells behind his shoulder and runs off to Razzle and Theo. I begin pouring myself another shot.
"You're going hard tonight I see." Ricky comments and I down the next shot without faze.
"Just how I like it," I reply. I'm fully aware of my drinking issues, alcohol and cigarettes had always been my best friend. Once I found racing I got a bit better but my habits still linger.
"Saw a pool table in the back, you up for a game?" Ricky asks and I contemplate slightly before agreeing.
"Lead the way," pool wasn't my strongest suite but it didn't change the fact that I was highly competitive at it. "No stripping!" I warn due to the result of the last time we played a game together.
"You sure?" He smirks and I ignore him as I grab the cue stick while Ricky sets up the multicoloured balls.
"You're nice today." I acknowledge and his head perks up.
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's a hit or miss with you." I answer, "Sometimes you're friendly and other times you're an asshole." I explain as I bend down and rest my arm against the edge of the pool table and line up my shot.
"Yeah well, don't get used to it." He replies and I frown very slightly. I liked nice Ricky. "I owe you for the stitches, was nice of you." He adds.
"We're even Noir, you got me my money back." I say before jerking my stick forward and watch the small colorful balls scatter across the table. I smile when I sink a ball. "Doesn't mean I'll be goin' easy on you though." I move to the other side of the table and line my next shot. Ricky stands in front of the area and lifts his shirt up right before I take my shot. My hands clench around the cue stick, I missed.
"Don't sweat it princess, happens to the best of us." He winks and I back away from the table. I tried my best to shake off the uneasy feeling I got when he called me 'princess'. I knew no matter how many times I'd tell him to stop he'd never listen, I'll just have to get over it. He sank ball after ball and it was a hell of a short game because before I knew it he was at his last shot.
In attempt to get myself back into the game, I walk over to the pocket he's aiming for. He bends over the table and prepares to shoot but before he does I peels my shirt off my body. I bend down to his eye level. My white lace bra was on full display and he stood up straight.
"Thought we said no stripping?" He questions with his eyebrow cocked at me.
"Couldn't help myself." I say with shrugged shoulders. Like I said, I was a competitor. He sets his stick down and strides my way.
"Well now neither can I." He then grabs me by my jaw and crashes his lips against mine. I was beyond shocked but I welcomed the feeling, maybe this was the tequila acting. Although his lips did feel heavenly against mine. My bare back was laid against the velvet pool table and his torso draped along me. I slide my arms around his neck as he held my waist. He then reached behind my back to unclasp my bra but was unsuccessful due to the door bursting open.
"Holy shit!" Mandy exclaimed in an utterly shocked tone. I scrambled away from Ricky and pulled my shirt on quickly. "What the hell was that?!" She asks in complete disbelief that soon turns to a light laughter.
"Whatever." Ricky says nonchalantly and runs his fingers through his dark hair. He exits the room and Mandy immediately looks me dead in the eye.
"Zip it." I cut her off and walk back into the living room. It's no use, she'll be talking about this for months.
"Alice!" I hear Nico scream from across the room. "Told you I'd play it!" Taylor Swift's voice fills the air form the speakers.
"It feels like a perfect night...."