Alice Avery
A few days later I felt much more like myself, I felt stronger, I felt like Alice. Theo had a race against one of Trent's friends tonight and it would definitely be a nail bitter. Things between Theo and I had been quiet, we made small talk and that was about it. We hadn't gotten into any real conversation and believe me, I wasn't complaining. I didn't need an emotional, heart felt talk.
"You're uh, you're coming tonight right?" Theo asks while I'm sat in my room applying some makeup.
"Yeah I am, why wouldn't I be?" I stay close to my mirror and add some purple eyeliner under my eye.
"I just figured that-" Theo fiddles with his fingers, "Uh just never mind." He spits out and walks back out of my room. He's definitely in a weird place and I can tell he doesn't know how to talk to me. It's like he's walking on thin ice and if he says the wrong thing he'll fall under. I knew I had to communicate with him to tell him that's not the case.
I pulled on some jeans and I finished with some black liner and threw my leather jacket on top of my grey tank and pulled my Doc Martens on. Theo was already gone once I left and made my way to Zeppelin. Once I got there I met Ricky at the keg stand and he silently handed me a cup filled with beer.
"Thanks." I mutter quietly and take a sip from the red solo cup.
"I shouldn't have lashed out on you the way I did." He admits awkwardly and a small grin makes it's way to my face and I let out a small laugh.
"Is this your way of apologizing?"
"Don't be a smartass." He says smugly and drinks from his cup.
"There he is." I say with a small smile. "Don't worry 'bout it, if it were me I'd lash out too."
"So, I heard about your rematch race with Trent." Ricky changes the subject and I'm truly surprised he's starting a conversation with me.
"What about it?" I ask. He turns his head towards me and our eyes meet. He stares at me with a blank expression.
"It's a long shot and a waste of time, I wouldn't have agreed to it." He tells me and I roll my eyes.
"But you aren't me." I fire back and start walking to the start line.
"You're absolutely right princess," He calls out. "I've never lost a race."
I stick my middle finger up at him from behind me and her him chuckle playfully. I was stood behind Theo's car as I made eye contact with Trent's beaten eyes. The lovely handy work by Alice Avery. Even with his badly beaten face he still carried his cocky expression. It made him look silly but left me satisfied.
Suddenly Theo's worried face showed itself right in front of me. "I have you right?"
My face naturally screwed up in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"I still have my best friend right? I can't do this if you aren't with me."
"Get in your damn car or I'll have to kick your ass myself." I say with a smile and he returns one. It was a signal to him to let him know everything was okay between the two of us.