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Alice Avery

I yearned for adventure and tonight was beginning to feel like one. The sun had just now set as we drove along the road. I felt I had no morals, we burned a house down. My life had become a spontaneous blur, I didn't feel real, now that it mattered. We all die in the end anyway.

"Better get comfortable," Ricky voiced. "We've got some hours to go."

"At least give me one hint on where we are going," I whined.

He turned his head and flashed a grin, "wave Nevada goodbye."

My eyebrows raised, "we're crossing to another state?"

"That's the only hint I'm giving you."

Suddenly, Ricky reached for the volume on the radio and cranked the upbeat tune. Cherry Pie by Warrant.

Hearing the guitar forced goosebumps on my skin. My body jerked back and was pressed against the seat as Ricky jumped the gas and turned towards me.

"She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good, makes a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie, yeah"

He broke out singing dramatically whilst making some questionable facial expressions at me. I threw my head back laughing before I began singing

"Well, swingin' on the front porch, swingin' on the lawn
Swingin' where we want 'cause there ain't nobody home
Swingin' to the left and swingin' to the right
If I think about baseball, I'll swing all night, yeah"

He caught me off guard as he grabbed my chin and forced my lips to his. I indulged instantly, completely forgetting he was driving on a busy road.

I pushed him away slightly. "Later, keep your eyes on the road for now."

"Something else deserves my attention."

Ricky yanked me onto his lap where my back rested against the window beside him, my legs were kicked up on the console. Ignoring the road he kissed me again, he kept one hand on the wheel and the other was slowly making it's way down below my waist.

I pulled away, "you're gonna get pulled over."

"Oh really?" He said in a smart tone and stared me down as he sped up the car.

"Ricky seriously." I warned and he just kept on going, the speed limit was 50 and he was exceeding that by 60.

"You just gotta breathe honey, that's all." He spoke, he hadn't looked at the road for a good minute.

"Slow down."

"Life in the fast lane, baby."

I turned to my left to look out the windshield. There was a red light ahead with a line of cars that Ricky had no intention of stopping for.

"Ricky quit playing around."

All he did was speed up. I closed my eyes and brought my hands up to my face, ready to face a collusion. Ricky's arm wrapped around my waist and he slammed on the breaks.

My eyes slowly opened to find a strip of untouched cars ahead of us. Ricky chuckled behind me as he loosened his hold.

"Nothing is funny about this," I said in an annoyed mutter.

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