Ricky Noir
I was never a focused killer, I never had a plan, I only ever had one intention. I used to simply let my hands take over, let my mind take over because I could never follow a rulebook. It's different now because this isn't a meaningless kill. This means something, taking his life would make other people's lives better. Those people being Alice and I, his death was deserved.
I hated the house Vince lived in. I hated the street Vince lived on. I hated the city, I hated Chicago. I could never live her, I never will.
Colton wasn't home. Reed and Vince were the only ones in the house. The door was unlocked, I shut and locked it behind me. Silence filled the entire house. "Honey," I yelled, "I'm home!"
Footsteps descended down the staircase and soon Reed was walking up to me. "It's about time." He said happily and gave me a short hug. "How you been?"
"Same old shit. Trips to hell and heaven."
"Well, welcome to hell." He replied, "Vince is down in the cellar?"
"What?" My brows furrowed in confusion. "Why is he in the cellar?"
"I know why you're here." Reed says and I let him continued. "I want to help, I mean I already have. You just need to finish him off."
"I'm not an idiot. You aren't here to kill Brooks you're here to kill to Vince. I know you a lot better than you think I do, I observe quite a lot. I also know Alice and from what little I know, she doesn't want Brooks dead and whatever she says to you, you listen. Am I correct in saying that the two of you are back together?"
With wide eyes I nodded. "You're kinda wise, you know that?"
"I do, thank you." He says and begins walking away, I follow. "Does Alice know why you're here?"
"No," I answer.
"Good." He says and leaves it at that. He opens the basement door and we start down the stairs.
"Why are you doing this?"
He began laughing. "You think I like Vince? I'd rather have Trent as my boss and you know how much I want to strangle that little boy."
"That makes two of us."
"Fuck it, let's do it then." He recommends and we both laugh like it's a joke, it's not.
"I wish I could but I can't." We stop outside the cellar door. "I'm done after this. I can't keep doing this to Alice."
"We're about to kill the head of the American Mafia. That means his daughter will have to take over, you know his daughter, don't you?"
"I've got it handled. She won't go near a life like this." I tell him and he shakes his head at me. "You'll see, just not yet." I explain. All I need is a little time and it will all pan out.
"Can't wait." He replied and unlocked the cellar door and pushed it open. Vince stood in the middle of the dim lit room. The cellar was usually empty except on the rare occasions people were kept in the cold room.
Reed closed the door behind him after we walked in. "Ricky," Vince boomed. "You get me the hell out of here."
"I can't do that," I say knowing how annoying it'll make him. Vince came charging at me, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and landed a right hook. Vince hit the cement floor and I bent down to him, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing. "We're doing things my way."
"What the fuck do you think you're doing." He struggled out in a shaky, hushed voice.
I tilted my head to the side. "I'm gonna kill you, Vince." I grinned and released my grasp.
He scoffed weakly and tried to catch his breath. "Sure you are," he says with a laugh.
I pulled my gun from my waistband and pointed it at him.
"Alice wil-"
"There's nothing you can say that'll prevent me from doing this." I tell him and I wish I could frame the defeated look on his face.
"She'll hate you, more then she already does."
"I woke up next to her this morning. She doesn't hate me, Vince, she hates you. Your daughter wants you dead, told me herself."
"You're so fucking naive," he spits. "Letting her control you. You're a fucking pussy."
"I'm the one with the gun in my hand."
"Then why haven't you shot me yet?" He questioned my authority with a smirk.
"Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to admire your black eye for a bit, then I'm going to shoot you and you're going to bleed out." I explain and his eyes roll. "You're daughter and I will dance on your grave."
"You're missing the part where my daughter takes my place." Vince says and I shake my head.
"Someone will take your place but it won't be Alice."
"You're plan is flawed. I thought I taught you better than this." He insults me and I ignore it.
"I hope you know happy Alice is going to be." I say and he looks at me through evil eyes.
"I hope you know that killing me won't heal the scars I gave her."
My jaw clenched, my knuckles turned white around the barrel of the gun. "I'll see you in hell, Vince." I pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting Vince in his abdomen. When he dropped to the ground once again I fired at the same spot once more. He mumbled words know one could ever make out, his pale face made it seem like he was already a corpse. I bent down on one knee, speaking quietly. "She has people who love her and that is something you'll never have."
I stood up and tucked my gun back in my waistband, leaving Vince bloody on the cool floor.
"You alright?" Reed asks from behind me.
"Yeah. I killed him. It's just kind of surreal, I guess."
"We need to go. Trent is supposed to be coming by with Colton, we don't want to be here when that happens."
Reed and I turned back to the door and walked out, leaving the door unlocked. Trent would find him, Trent would know I killed him. Trying to cover it up was pointless, it would only make things worse. He could try and go after me but he won't, he knows better than that.
Reed and I made our way up to the main floor. "What's your plan?" I ask him.
"You and I need to leave, we can't be here any longer. I'll come back when things clear and when you tell me who's taking over for Vince."
"She lives nearby, we could go see her if you're up for a reunion." I say and grin at the look on his face.
"A reunion. I've met them?" He asks with a confused look and I nod my head. "Who the hell is it?"
"It's Angie, Alice's mother."
Alexa, play Angie by The Rolling Stones