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Alice Avery

The best way to describe how I'm feeling is like a hangover. I'm tired, starving, my body aches, and my head is pounding. It's the next morning, around eight in the morning. Ricky is asleep next to me and he's snoring in my ear. I rolled over and pushed at his chest. "Wake up, Ricky."

He hums at me but keeps his eyes closed as he tightens his arms around my waist. I scoot up behind him, wiggling my hips and pressed my ass into him. "Wake up, Ricky." I say again but whisper his name.

His hands grip my waist firmly, "Alice."

I pulled away from him and climbed out of bed, hopping to my feet. "Great you're up. I'm starving."

My hands are on my hips and he's looking up at me. "Really?"

"Really." I reply and pull the covers off of him. "We need to go get my car, I left it on the road last night. It better still be there."

Ricky eventually got himself on his feet. He was in nothing but a pair of grey boxers. I was wearing a dress, also known as, Ricky's T-shirt.

"You're energetic this morning." Ricky says and runs his fingertips up and down my arms.

"We go home today." I answer his rhetorical question.

"You're excited to go home?" He questions and he's surprised. I guess I'm surprised too.

I nod my head at him. "I wanna go home and just do nothing for a few days."

Ricky smiles, "I'll keep you occupied."

"I'm sure you will." I say with a laugh.

The two of us got ready together, showering together like we did the night before. It was real sunny today, not a cloud in the sky and no breeze. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a light blue tank top then brushed my teeth. I slipped on a pair of converse and was ready to go.

"Are we gonna be too jet-legged to get married today?" Ricky asks without looking at me and grabs his keys.


His eyes meet mine and he smiles sheepishly. "Did you forgot that you proposed to me?" Ricky says and he and I laugh.

"No," I answer. "Are we gonna be too jet-legged to get married? I think we'll be alright."

He leans against the closed door. "We gonna go down to A Little White Chapel and say some vows?"

"I'd love to," I admit and I step closer. I take his hand in mine and kiss his cheek. "Let's get hitched tonight."


My car was still on the empty road. The windows were smashed and the tires were slashed. I'd be able to get it fixed once we were back home.

After stopping in for breakfast, Ricky and and I grabbed coffees to go. We were sat on the curb at the side of the restaurant. I lit a cigarette.

"I know it's not a happy topic but we need to talk about Dane." I voice as I put my lighter back in my pocket.

Ricky's not on the same page. I can see it in his body language. "What's there to talk about?" Ricky and I both turn our heads at each other. "I murdered his boss. He's not exactly my biggest fan."

"What did he say to you?" I ask and he raises his eyebrow. "After he won, what happened?"

"He's not going to be a problem." Ricky takes the cigarette from me, "that's all that matters."


"It's not important," he continues.

"I know it's not but still could you at least tell me."

His jaw clenched and his clasps his hands together in front of him. "What do you think he said? He wanted a fight and he got one, after saying everything he was gonna do to you-"

"It's okay," I cut him off. "It's fine. We'll just forget about it."

His hands were shaking. It didn't matter how much I wanted to know I wouldn't put Ricky through telling me. Whatever Dane said was obviously cruel and it frightened Ricky. Maybe I didn't really want to know what he said.

"We just can't seem to catch a fucking break, can we?" He expresses, breaking my heart with every word because it's true and I wish it wasn't.

I let out a small sigh. "How about this? The second we land in Las Vegas today it's a new start for us. We'll leave it all behind. I mean, all of it."

"All of it?"

"Maybe we should move. I know we've talked about it before but maybe we should seriously consider it."

I can't read the look in his eyes and it makes me nervous. I don't want a fight, especially about this.

"What about racing?" He asks but doesn't let me answer. "What about Theo and Razzle? Just a few days ago you were all worried about telling Theo you were moving out but now you want to get up and leave the state?"

"He'll understand. They all will. We need to start doing what's best for us, not everyone else."

Ricky takes a long drag from out cigarette. He blows out the smoke and slowly smiled. "Where are we gonna go?"

"Anywhere." I smile at him. "Everywhere."

"I think we should do it." He says and nudges my knee with his. "We could always come back if it doesn't pan out the way we want it to."

"I'll take your last name and then we'll run away."

He shrugs happily, "sounds like something we'd do."

I laugh along with him. "I do have one condition thought," I say and he nods at me to continue. "I have to have my race with Trent. That's something I need to do."

Ricky hands me the cigarette. "I know." He says, "I know you have to." He kisses my head, then my cheek, and finally my lips. I lean my head on his shoulder and stare into the sky.

I was happy. I really was but we all get feelings. We get all sorts of feelings, and I wouldn't consider myself a spiritual person but my God something is wrong, devastatingly wrong.

I'm bringing dabbing back.

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