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Alice Avery

"Good morning Alice!" Theo beamed at me as he barges into my room. My head aches in an excruciating pain and I remember my drunken headbutt against Trent last night. "Aspirin and coffee for you, happy hangover." Theo hands me a mug full of coffee and a small white pill.

"Thanks." I murmur and sit up as I pop the pill in my mouth.

"You ready for tonight?" Theo inquired and sat on the edge of my bed. Tonight I have a race against one of Trent's best friends, and after last night I'm not exactly sure how it's going to turn out.

"Do I have a choice?"

Theo let out a short sigh and I stood up. Tonight I have a lot to prove, and I know I'll execute well. "How 'bout we go for lunch?" Theo claps his hands together and puts a persuasive grin on his face.

I let out a breathe and turn his way, "Are you always this cheery in the mornings?"

"Afternoon." He corrects and I roll my eyes. "And shut up I'm trying to be nice, you've got a pretty cute bruise between your eyes."Although my face hurt like hell it was totally worth it, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I kick Theo out so I can get ready, I pull on some dark wash jeans followed by a black tee paired with a black and red flannel.

"You decent?" Theo calls out from my closed door and I open up, I soon see Link's smug face standing behind Theo.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asks with a clear cocky tone.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and pull my Vans onto my feet before we leave.

We settled on  a small café near the apartment and took a seat near the window. I was squished beside Link as I envied Theo who sat across from me. I barely knew Link but the little snippet of his personality I knew wasn't likeable.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" The waitress comes by as I read the name Megan off her name tag.

"Apple juice please."

Both Link and I stare at Theo with raised eyebrows, he sounded like a 7-year-old. "I don't wanna hear it." Theo dismisses and Link chuckles from beside me. Although I always admired Theo's ability to always be his enthusiastic self, I found it amusing at some points.

"I'll just take a water." I say.

"Make that two." Link chimes in and Megan walks off. Link then turns my way and my eyes unintentionally roll, habit.

"Alice-" Theo tries to lecture me like a mother based on my actions.

"How about Link and you reminisce about last nights events while I mind my own business, how's that sound?" I rest my head back against the booth and hear Link quietly chuckle.

"I would've never guessed that the two of you are related." I hear Link say with a small laugh, my eyes pop open and I sit up.

"And why's that?" I question, I'm intrigued now.

"Theo's a fun guy and you, you're just bitch . I mean you fought Trent last night because you couldn't handle a joke." His mention of me being a bitch doesn't hurt me, it's not like he's wrong, but the rape joke set me off. "You're still hot though."

My teeth clench together to the point where I feel like they'll break. I shove myself out of the booth and stomp out of the joint, I wasn't looking for another fight. I walk down the concrete sidewalk and light a cigarette that's placed between my lips. I puff the smoke out of my mouth and think of about 120 ways I could ruin both Link and Trent.

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