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Alice Avery

"We're going back to your place." I grab Mandy's arm on my way out the front door of the apartment. I'll need to buy a new damn mattress after what I just saw.

"Whoa whoa slow down, what's the matter." She stops me in the middle of the hallway.

"Ricky's having sex in my bed."

Mandy's eyes widen as her jaw falls open, she blinks herself into reality and starts laughing lowly. We both turn into a huge laughing fit in the middle of the hallway. "O-okay yeah, let's go." She wipes a few tears that have sprung from her intense laughter.

I spent the night at Mandy's and hoped when I got home I'd be welcomed with a clean apartment and a bed without Candace and Ricky accompanying it. By the time morning came I drove back home around 8am and once I opened the door the place was completely trashed. I marched up to my room and wearily opened the door to find it empty and I let out a sigh of relief. The apartment was completely clear except for Theo passed out on the bathroom floor.

"Wake up!" I say loudly and kick his abdomen lightly, he groans and rubs his eyes open. "You're on clean up duty." I add and flop myself on the couch right when someone knocks on the door.

"Do we have any pain killers?" Theo slumps into the kitchen and puts his head down on the counter.

"Not sure check the ca-" I stop my sentence when I see Ricky's green eyes glued to me.

"Theo your boyfriends here." I call out unfazed and move out of the way to let him in. "By the way, you owe me a new mattress." I whisper to Ricky who has a stupid smirk on his face.

"You were welcome to join in." Ricky reminds me and my eyes roll.

"Well if I did it would be the Candace and Alice show. I'd much rather fuck her than you." I fire back and his eyes widen.

I leave satisfied and walk into my bedroom. I made sure to deep clean my room to be extra safe. Although the condom left behind was a special unexpected gift. I chuckled as there was no cum in it, bastard didn't even finish. Sucker.

I walked back into the living room to see Ricky and Theo cleaning the apartment. I smirked to myself to be able to see the sight of the egotistically brat cleaning my apartment. I'm almost positive that if Link were here he'd make a fit and say that cleaning was a 'women's job'.

"You just gonna sit there or are you gonna help?" Ricky breaks me out of my thoughts with his annoyed tone as I kick my feet up on the coffee table.

"I had nothing to do with this little party of yours." I reply and Theo looks at me angrily with his hungover eyes. "Besides, I've got a big race tonight; gotta rest up." I add.

"It's tonight?" Theo asks in a surprised tone and I nod. Tonight is the night I finally race Trent. We've talked a big fight but it would all go down tonight. This race would be filled with anger and determination. After tonight I wouldn't be looked at as some incapable chick. I'd be respected, tonight was my night.

"You sure you can handle Trent?" Ricky questions; clearly underestimating me. I don't give him the time of day and flip through a magazine as I mind my own business.

"Speaking of racing," Theo chimes in as the two of them join me on the sofa. "I think we should go to Santa Monica this year."

My eyebrows raise in excitement. Every year there is a huge racing event in Santa Monica where drag racers from all over America attend. It's by far the greatest weekend of the year, or so I've heard. Theo went for the first time last year and I just saw the pictures but it looked legendary. It was a dream of mine to attend, huge rush of adrenaline.

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