Alice Avery
When I was a kid I loved Walt Disney. I loved the fantasy, the dreams it gave me. As a child you're told to dream big, that these dreams you create will come true. Though now I know that dreams don't come true, but nightmares do.
I stepped back from the door, my eyes didn't leave the haunting figure in front of me.
"Who is it Alice?" I heard Theo ask vividly through my disoriented senses.
The evil stalked closer to me, he was the closest thing to the devil. I shuddered as I stepped back until I was pressed up against a wall.
"Alice seriously wh-" Theo cut himself off with a shocked gasp once he saw who was standing there. "Why the hell are you here?" Theo boomed in a protective tone.
"What? I can't see my daughter?"
"Don't call me that." I was no daughter of his, you don't treat your daughter the way he treated me. "You don't get to call me that anymore."
He stepped in further and closed the door behind him, locking it shut.
"Don't do that," he suddenly spoke and jolted his finger at me. "Don't act all tough now, because you know deep down I terrify the living hell out of you."
I stood my ground, I refused to be scared. I was a different person now, I wouldn't let him have power over me anymore.
"Why are you here?" I questioned and crossed my arms in front of my chest. I was shocked to see him at first but now I needed to be the one to get inside of his head, not the other way around.
"I wasn't going to let you run forever. I'm your father, you didn't think I'd come looking for you?"
"You are not my fucking father!" I yelled with aggression. "You haven't earned that title and you never will."
I gave him a death stare, he looked neutral; nothing was bothering him.
"Now tell me why you're actually here," I demanded a second time.
His face was blank, "your mother died."
"The two of you have been dead to me for years, you're both heartless. I'm glad she's dead, I wish you were too."
I would never wish death upon someone but they both killed a part of me that I will never get back. They ruined me, tormented me and I'll die before I forgive them for it.
"Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you," he warned bitterly.
"Go to hell, Vince." I spoke his name coldly.
I watched him narrow his eyes at me, the look on his face brought back traumatizing memories. He took another few steps forward.
Theo walked in front of him, "don't touch her."
Vince shoved Theo out of the way and he hit the ground roughly. Before I could catch up to anything, the side of my face was struck with an all too familiar punch.
I stayed up right, my head just fallen to the side. I brought my hand up to my temple and winced at the pain. My ears began to ring as I looked back up to him.
"You can do better than that, can't you." I provoked, I was aware of the mistake I was making but I wasn't going to shy away and cry in the corner.
"Alice don't," Theo scolded me in a brotherly tone.
"Come on, hit me." I ignored Theo and continued my provoking.
"You're almost as stupid as your mother," he hissed.