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Alice Avery

Ricky and I stood between our two cars, leaned against the doors with our arms crossed at our chest. "Don't let me win," I tell him.

"I wasn't planning on it."

The Santa Monica races were exactly how I expected them to be, fucking chaos. They were legal and people were everywhere. In a few seconds I'd be racing Ricky and I would win.

Ricky leaned off his car and took a step forward to me. He cupped my face with his hands and leaned down to kiss me. He pulled away, "I'll see you at the finish line."

I smiled as I watched him round his car and get into the drivers side. I opened my door and slide in. I could no longer see Ricky, I could hardly even see his car due to the amount of people that swarmed around our cars the second we got in them.

A stranger appeared in front of us, right between the two cars, flag in hand. She pointed at me and I revved my engine. Ricky repeated after me. With the flag in the air my foot was still pressed to the break pedal. With the flag pulled down I took off like a bullet.

Ricky was already far ahead of me,
clearly trying his hardest to ensure I wasn't winning this race. I laughed to myself, thinking of the conversation we had earlier in the day when he said he didn't care about winning.

This race was longer then most I've done. This meant I had more time for redemption. A left turn approached and Ricky took it slower than I did. Once getting back to a straight away, we were neck and neck. This continued most of the race until we neared the end.

I rolled down my window. "You're losing to a chick, baby!" I changed gears, hitting the gas and zipped through the finish line.

Ricky's car came up next to mine after a few seconds. I walked up to his car and he climbed out, laughing. I stepped up to him, wrapping my arms around him. He lifted me in the air and kissed me.

"Thanks for letting me win," I say to him and he smiled with his teeth and shook his head before kissing me again.

A lot of money was granted to me tonight, money that I didn't need. I had a plan to give it to Donna so she could keep her diner. That was more rewarding to me.

Ricky had his second race now and I was out of his arms quickly. Nico handed me a beer which I took as I stood with the others.

"Congrats," Theo says and clinks his drink with mine. I smile at him as we wait patiently for Ricky's race to begin. I wasn't sure who his opponent was but I didn't like his reputation. To say I wasn't nervous would be a lie.

Razzle came up beside me. He died his hair again, a light grey, almost white. I really liked it. "You doing alright?" He asks.

I came out of my trance and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." I say and then take a sip of my drink. "Do you know who Ricky is racing tonight?"

"Luke," Razzle says. "Luke Evans. He's pretty good but I think Ricky can handle it."

Just as Razzle finished the race began, Ricky and Luke were off. I held my breath for most of the race and it seemed I went forever without breathing.

Ricky lost. The winner bathed in his own glory. Ricky came up to us with not visible frustration which relieved me.

"Both?" Nico questions with sarcasm and I nudge his arm with my elbow. Ricky just laughed it off.

"You alright?" I ask and wrap my around around him. He grabs a beer.

He nods at me, smiling still. "You'll cheer me up tonight, won't you?"

I grin and shoot him a wink. Ricky lost a lot of money tonight and it seemed to be the last thing on his mind. He just wanted to be here, with his family, no matter the circumstances. That's what I love about him.

The night felt good. While those around us continued to race we all stood together, drinking together, laughing together.

It was all fun and games until Ricky's face completely dropped and paled. His arms tightened around my waist. The reason? I'd take a wild guess and say it was because of the man that was stalking towards us.

"Do you know him?" I question Ricky without taking my eyes off of the man. Ricky never answered me.

The man stopped in front of us. His broad shoulders towered over me, even Ricky. He carried himself in a way that I despised. He was out to get people, I didn't know this guy but all that I could think about was Vince.

"Ricky," the stranger greets and my heart drops. He did know him. His eyes then shifted to me after Ricky didn't reply.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask with my chin up.

The stranger smirked at me and stepped forward, closer to me. "This your girlfriend, Rick?" His eyes never leave mine.

Ricky glared at him, "step any closer and I'll fucking kill you."

His eyes slightly widen at Ricky's hostility. "Now is that anyway to greet an old friend?"

"We aren't friends, Dane."

Dane gave Ricky a sly look while he continued to stare him down. Dane turned to me again. "You race, yeah?"

I raise my eyebrow at him, "what about it?"

"Alice," Ricky warns and grabs my arm. "Don't. Please." Dane doesn't look at Ricky and neither do I.

"I'll give you ten grand if you win." Dane offers and goosebumps consume my skin.

"What's the catch ?" I ask, unfazed and unaware that several people have turned their heads to us.

"If I win I take everything you made tonight." His bet was stupid. It seemed to me he only wanted to race because of all the clout he's receive. "And," he adds, "I get to take you back to my hotel room tonight."

I grab Ricky's bicep before he can do anything. His face is beat red, knuckles white in fists and his jaw clenched. My eyes meet his and I tell him that's it's okay, that I'm okay. His eyes soften at me and I remove my hand.

I then smile and stick my hand out to Dane. "Deal."

People mumble around me. Dane smirks and shakes my hand, "good luck," he says and makes his way to his car.

Ricky comes in front of me and grabs my chin harshly. "What the fuck is the matter with you? Why would you fucking do that?" I've never seen him this angry before.

I glare at him and shove him away from me. "Fuck off. Nothing is going to happen." I begin to walk away but he grabs my arm and brings me in close again.

"You're not getting in that fucking car. Do you hear me? I fucking forbid you, Alice."

"Get your hands off of me." I demand but he refuses. "Get your fucking hands off of me!" I hit his chest and push him off. I quickly walk to my car and get in, starting it and lining it up beside Dane's.

I wouldn't have agreed to this unless I felt confident in myself. I did, I was confident that I'd win. I hated that I was put in the dark again. How did Ricky know this guy? I didn't know much but all I knew was that it wasn't for a good reason.

Dane and I both looked at each other, windows down and nothing but a cold stare given. My knuckles paled as I gripped my steering wheel, thinking of him winning and taking me home tonight.

Dane got out of his car, crossed over to me and bent down to my window. His arms rest on the open window. "What?" I sneer at him.

"You weren't at the funeral."

My eyes roll and I exhale, "what funeral?"

"Your father's."

It's almost over.

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