Chapter 1

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"Yedamie hyung!" 

Yedam lifted his head that was rested on his arms which was placed on his desk. He looked to his right to see a cheerful doyoung walk to him. 

"Aren't you a little late today?" Yedam asked rhetorically. 

"Oh well the lesson hasn't started yet." 

The classroom was busy yet peaceful. This was the place were youthful lives were intertwined until they grew up into mature adults.

Students were busy talking to their friends since the teacher wasn't there yet. 

Doyoung took his seat beside Yedam. They were sitting at the front, towards the right, near the classroom door. 

Yedam rested his heads on his arms again. Except this time, he turned his face towards doyoung, watching him take his books out. 
Doyoung caught a glance of yedam staring at him as he took out his pencil case. 

"What is it?" Doyoung asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why? Am i not allowed to look at my bestfriend?" 


That word echoed in doyoung's head. He shook it off and gave yedam a soft smile. Yes. That's what they were. Friends. Bestfriends. 

The teacher walked in and the students scattered, getting back to their own seats. 

Yedam sat up straight. 

"Stand. Bow." He commanded. 

The students stood up and bowed to the teacher, greeting him.

"Yes, yes. Sit down, everyone." The teacher said. 

Yedam was the president for the second years. He was voted to be one. And it wasn't surprising. He didn't participate much in class and was rather reserved, except when he was with doyoung, but he still secretly worked hard and aced his exams. Other than that the students couldn't help but notice his excellent leadership skills after he led his team to victory in a game of tug-of-war on sports day.

"I know it seems like another school day. Nothing new. But cheer up, students. You all might be stressed since you're in your second year of high school and exams are coming up but it's all a process of growth." The teacher tried cheering them up. 

Doyoung was touched. It was part of his personality. He was easily touched and brought to tears. He was more on the emotional and sentimental side. 

The bell rang as the students went to their own respective classes. 

Yedam and doyoung were walking down the hallway, laughing as they reminisced their childhood memories.

They had known each other since elementary school and had been friends ever since.

Suddenly a handsome student appeared in front of them, stopping in his tracks. 

"Yedam, the chemistry teacher asked you and I to collect all the chemistry notebook."

Yedam and doyoung looked towards his direction. It was Asahi. The vice president of the 2nd years. 

"Oh yeah, sure." He smiled widely at Asahi. 

Asahi smiled back. 

"Okay I'll see you in the chem lab then."

He walked past yedam and doyoung and turned a right corner. Yedam's eyes followed him. He looked at him with admiring eyes in awe. 

Doyoung nudged yedam. 

"Hey what are you doing! Don't ruin this opportunity! Go get your man dude." Doyoung said teasingly. 

"What are you talking about?! I'm just helping him. It's not a date dumbass." 

Doyoung rolled his eyes.

"It might as well be, to you. You're secretly wishing for that, aren't you?" 

Yedam got flustered as doyoung gave him a smug look. This is why you don't tell your friends about your crush. 

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