Chapter 14

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Before they knew it, the festival was around the corner.

Doyoung and haruto were in the locker room, changing into their basketball uniforms.

They stretched a bit and went out to the hall. Doyoung stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar face wearing the Jersey of the opposite team.

It was asahi.

"What's wrong?" Haruto asked, noticing doyoung's expression.

Doyoung came back to his senses and nervously laughed.

"Nothing, haha."

Doyoung went up to one of his seniors and asked what non-members were doing there.

"Ah, I forgot to mention. Because it's for entertainment, we let non-members volunteer as well!"

Doyoung nodded his head. But then he realized. If asahi was there, yedam must have been too.

He look around the hall and his assumption was right. He spotted yedam's face in one of the audience seats.

He hadn't noticed doyoung yet and when asahi walked up to talk to him, that became the case even more.

Doyoung felt his heart slightly rip.

"Does he not even notice me anymore?" He thought to himself as he dribbled a spare basketball. "Well, can't blame him with how much I avoided him."

"Okay so let's get into teams!" The PE teacher yelled.

There were quite a few people amongst the audience. They cheered the players on, ate snacks while enjoying and some just analyzed.

Asahi turned out to be much better than expected. He could have easily been a regular member had he actually tried out.

Doyoung and asahi were now face-to-face. Despite how good doyoung was, asahi managed to dribble past him.

It wasn't JUST the fact that asahi, the man that doyoung's crush liked, was beating him at the sport he was most confident in, that bothered him. But it was also the fact that yedam's voice cheering on for asahi was distracting.

"What the fuck?" Doyoung thought. "Is he trying to play hard to get or has he genuinely moved on from our friendship or whatever it was? That easily too?"

Doyoung's thoughts were eating him up from inside so much that he didn't notice a player run towards him at full speed and accidentally trip over him.

Doyoung fell down backwards as he felt his ankle twist. He laid on the floor, grabbing his ankle while his eyes were shut tight because of the pain.

The player who bumped into him apologized sincerely and asked doyoung if he was okay. Soon everyone gathered around doyoung.

"I'll take him to the nurse!" Haruto said.

"No, I can do it." Yedam said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Huh? Who are-" haruto began speaking until he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

He turned around to see junghwan shaking his head as if to say "no".

Haruto was confused but decided to let yedam handle it.

"Hey you're fine with some random dude helping him out?" Haruto whispered.

"He's not random. He's yedam. Doyoung's bestfriend." Junghwan revealed. "And the person he loves."

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