Chapter 11

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Doyoung finished off perfectly, impressing his seniors and teacher as they shared looks of acknowledgement. 

He walked back to the bench and picked up his towel from the bench and put it around his neck. He drank his water as his gaze fell towards haruto who was affectionately looking at him. When haruto realized doyoung caught him staring at him, he immediately looked away. 

"Y-you did pretty well! I have a few things to learn from you." Haruto complimented. 

"Aww, thank you! I'm pretty sure you're too good yourself! Don't mean to pressurize you with my expectations, though!" Doyoung replied. 

Haruto laughed. 

"Don't worry, I know you mean well." Haruto said. 

Suddenly his name was called out. Haruto looked half startled and half nervous. Doyoung noticed and patted his shoulder. 

"Remember what I said? You'll do fine!" 

Surprisingly, Doyoung cheering him on comforted him. He smiled at doyoung and walked away, with a little more confidence. 

The moment he started playing, doyoung's jaw dropped at how good he was. 

Once a sweaty haruto returned to his seat, doyoung clapped for him. 

"Dude, you're amazing!" 

Haruto blushed and thanked him. 

An hour passed by as more students took turns. Meanwhile doyoung and haruto kept talking to each other. Both clearly enjoyed each other's company and for haruto, time seemed to be going much slower when with doyoung. He had fallen head over heels for him. 

Finally, the try-outs were over. Now the seniors had to announce whether any student was accepted. 

"After only being able to recruit 3 players this week, we have finally managed to get two more players." The captain of the third year's basketball team announced. "Congratulations and welcome, haruto and doyoung!"

The students there erupted into claps for doyoung and haruto. Both shared a surprised and happy look. 

"See? What did i tell you?" Doyoung asked rhetorically, patting haruto's shoulder. 

Haruto stood up and doyoung hugged him, taking him by surprise. But haruto wanted to hug doyoung more. It felt warm and comforting. But he let go after a while, not wanting to creep doyoung out.

"I love the fact that i got in with you!" Haruto said. 

"Me too!" 

The next day, doyoung met up with junghwan at the entrance of the school. 

"Junghwan!" Doyoung yelled.

"oh, good morning." He replied, yawning. 

"I got into the basketball team!" 

"Really? Congratulations!" Junghwan said.   

"By the way I have someone i want to introduce you to." Doyoung confessed. "I met him at the try-outs yesterday." 

Doyoung looked ahead and saw someone familiar walking past him, not having realized he was there. 

"There he is! Haruto!" Doyoung yelled, as he jogged up to him, pulling junghwan along. 

"Haruto, meet junghwan. Junghwan, meet haruto!" 

Haruto and junghwan looked at each other shocked. 

"You...what are you doing here?" Junghwan asked. 

"I could ask the same!" Haruto said.

Doyoung looked confused. 

"you both...know each other?" He asked. 

"He's jeongwoo's close friend. He comes to our place quite often, in fact." Junghwan replied.

Jeongwoo was Junghwan's twin brother, who went to another school.

"And you two know each other how..?" Haruto asked. 

"We're both close friends as well!" Doyoung said. 

"Wait a second...jeongwoo said you were transferring. You were transferring here?!" Junghwan said, as realization hit him. "Why didn't he tell me that?"

"I had no idea I was transferring to his younger twin brother's school either!" 

"Anyways, its good that you both know each other!" Doyoung interrupted. He locked arms with both of them. 

The three of them entered the school together. It was the birth of a new group of friends. 

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