Chapter 17

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After yedam and doyoung made amends, doyoung properly introduced junghwan and haruto to him, making them all close friends despite the past grudge haruto and junghwan held against him.

"Fuck we have a basketball match coming up." Doyoung panicked, as he sipped his strawberry milk.

Doyoung and the rest were all in the classroom. It was break but it was too hot to go outside.

"Which is a good thing. You get to show off your potential." Haruto reminded.

"Well, true...but I'm still nervous."

"You'll do fine doyoung. I've seen you play." Yedam reassured.

"Well I hope that's the case. Thanks though."

Haruto and doyoung spent most of their time after school practicing basketball. Junghwan and yedam would stay along at times and today was one of those days.

Yedam watched admiringly as doyoung dribbled past players and jumped high. He was like a feather.

But junghwan noticed something else in his eyes. He wasn't just impressed. But junghwan dismissed it as a "speculation".

"You know, haruto liked doyoung." Junghwan randomly spoke.

"He what?!" Yedam rhetorically asked.

"Just letting you know."

"So what happened?"

"Doyoung rejected him in the nicest way possible, so it ended up with haruto still being friends with him."

"So there's a nice way for rejection too..." Yedam thought as he recalled his response to doyoung's confession.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw doyoung and haruto finish up their practice.

Days passed by and the day of the match finally arrived.

Haruto and doyoung played amazingly and impressed everyone watching, despite their team losing.

The match ended and the players were on their way out.

"I'm leaving with junghwan since I'm meeting up with jeongwoo today. Bye!" Haruto waved as he left the gymnasium with junghwan.

" wanna come over?" Yedam asked.

"Sure! It's been a while since I met aunty, after all."

"Let's take a taxi."

Yedam and doyoung got out to the main street and managed to get a taxi.

The sun started to set, turning the sky a pretty shade of orange and pink.

"Doyoung..." yedam started to speak to doyoung but looked to his right to see doyoung fast asleep, his face facing the window.

The light of the sky reflected off of doyoung's skin and illuminated him like he was a painting.

Yedam couldn't help but analyze and admire doyoung's doll-like, delicate features. A small nose with a perfectly straight nose bridge, long eyelashes, a sharp jawline and soft edges surrounding his face.

"How have I never noticed how breath-taking doyoung looks?" Yedam thought to himself.

He felt his heart beat faster, the longer he stared at doyoung.

His eyes fell towards doyoung's hands.  Even his hands were a work of art. He had slender, long fingers with really smooth skin.

Yedam had this sudden, dangerous urge to hold doyoung's hand.


"No I shouldn't."

"I already rejected him this is wrong."

But it was no use. He couldn't hold himself back.

He held doyoung's hands subtly, to not wake him up. It was really soft. He slowly intertwined his fingers with doyoung's.

Yedam couldn't get a sense of right or wrong in that moment. It just felt right.

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