Chapter 15

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"So that's the infamous yedam." Haruto said, clearly not impressed. "The heartbreaker."

"Yeah but then again. You and I aren't in a position to speak when they have known each other for much longer." Junghwan replied. "Althought I felt just as mad as you in the beginning."

Meanwhile yedam carried doyoung on his back and took him to the nurse.

Doyoung was in too much pain to complain so he just went with it.

They reached the nurse's office and yedam laid doyoung down on the bed.

The nurse rushed to his aid and gave him an ice pack.

She then went out to get some medicine, leaving yedam and doyoung alone in her office.

Doyoung didn't look at yedam but the opposite way.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

Yedam looked surprised and happy that doyoung talked to him. He heard doyoung's voice talking to him after so long.

"You're welcome." Yedam said, giggling at doyoung's shyness. "You...played pretty well."

"Thanks. I wouldn't have known you thought that had you not told me...since you were cheering for asahi." Doyoung muttered, clearly jealous. A slight pout forming on his lips.

Yedam swore his heart skipped a beat at that but he decided to dismiss it as happiness for being able to talk to doyoung after so long. But then it followed with a feeling of guilt.

"About that...I wanted to cheer for you too. But I thought you would be mad."

"I don't know about that but I definitely was mad that you were cheering for your crush over your bestfriend." Doyoung said until he realized something. "Oh yeah...we probably aren't-"

"We are." Yedam interrupted.

Doyoung looked at him, surprised.

"We are bestfriends. I know I don't have the right to say that after all the messed up shit I pulled on you." He hung his head low apologetically. "But I sincerely meant it that I was consumed by repentance after what I did. These past few days that we haven't talked made it feel like years of drought. Doyoung I really, really missed you."

Doyoung felt this warm feeling in his heart. Was he not going to forgive yedam despite the fact that he was being so genuine?

"I-I believe you..." doyoung reassured, looking away again, embarrassed by what he was saying. "I guess it's enough now. You hurt me, but then I indirectly hurt you after making you feel guilty for so long. We're even."

Yedam didn't respond so doyoung looked at him to see his reaction. And then he saw the most beautiful sight. Yedam was smiling at him widely, as if he had the heaviest weight taken off of his shoulders.

Yedam instantly got up and hugged doyoung close to him.

"Thank you, doyoung! I love you!"

Doyoung felt something in his stomach flutter but then he realized yedam probably meant it as a "love amongst friends".

Little did he know that once yedam let go of him, he felt the exact same feeling. His cheeks turned slightly red after he realized what he did. Although, normally, yedam did this often without feeling shy. Something had changed. Something was born.

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