Chapter 8

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Fuck. He knows I'm avoiding him.

"Huh? That's not the reason. What are you talking about?" Doyoung pretended to be confused. "I mean we are in high school now and I need to start studying for exams seriously. I don't have time for this."

"Doyoung. I don't want to force you. But why does it feel like you're making excuses to avoid me?" 


"Why would I?"

"I don't know either. But that's what you've been doing ever since friday."

"Yedam, I'm not ignoring you. I seriously wanted to study but if you really think that, then I will just have to prove you wrong. Fine. I'll help." Doyoung declared as he walked away. 

Why the FUCK did i just promise him that? I really have a thing for fucking things up for myself, don't I?

As Doyoung walked past Yedam, he left yedam half confused and half happy. Was he wrong? Was doyoung not avoiding him after all? 

Yedam and doyoung got to their classes. Out of all the days at school, today was the ONE day doyoung wished would pass by slower so that break would arrive slower. Yet today was the day the very opposite happened. Time went by like it was nothing and break came around sooner than ever. 

Things just won't go my way, huh?

Doyoung dragged himself to the art classroom, hesitation wearing him down. He opened the door to see Yedam already having prepared the cloth they would be painting on and the acrylic paint and brushes. 

"Okay you're here. Good." Yedam said, looking up. "Help me clean the brushes." 

Doyoung sighed as he dropped his bag and collected the brushes and took them to the sink. 

He washed them and came and sat down opposite yedam. They started working on the banner. They worked in silence for a while, focusing on the painting. It was awkward at first. Until yedam spoke.

"You know, I thought you were avoiding me at first." Yedam began.

"You did? Why?" Doyoung asked, despite very well knowing the answer. 

"Because you seemed...cold towards me." Yedam replied. "the way you kept pushing me away and responded to me dryly. But I'm glad you weren't." 


Doyoung's serious tone caught Yedam off guard. Doyoung's deep voice rarely ever showed. 

"W-what?" Yedam sounded nervous. 

"I was avoiding you."

Yedam stopped painting. 

"Wait, what? So I was right?" Yedam asked. 

"Yeah. You were."

"Why? Did I do something?"


"What did I do?"

Doyoung looked up at Yedam, baffled at the fact that Yedam had the audacity to ask that after the pain he put him through. 

"It's unbelievable how you didn't realize. Fine. I'll tell you. That day, you "confessed" to me, to plan out your confession to Asahi. That shattered my heart. Fake confessing on it's own is wrong on many different levels. And it's even more painful when you fake-confess to someone who genuinely has feelings for you."

Doyoung heard Yedam's paint brush drop. He looked up to see a shocked Yedam with his mouth left open. 

"Yeah, Yedam. That's right." Doyoung said. 

"I like you"

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