Chapter 19

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Doyoung stared at yedam in shock.

"Y-your true feelings...?" Doyoung asked. He more or less knew what yedam meant. But he wouldn't be satisfied until yedam himself made it clear to him. Word by word.

"Doyoung...I like you."

Doyoung felt his breath hitch. Did he just hear that right?

"And i mean that for real now. I, bang yedam, hold romantic feelings for you, kim doyoung."

Doyoung's cheeks were tinted with a bright shade of pink.

"B-but you rejected me," doyoung reminded. "Why?"

"I hadn't realized it then. But your confession, and our tattered relationship afterwards helped me realize."

Doyoung just blankly stared at him. He realized he hadn't responded for too long and looked away.

"W-well you know how I feel." Doyoung said, rubbing the back of his head like he usually did when shy or embarrassed. "I like you too, yedamie."

Those last words shot straight through yedam's heart. He couldn't control himself.

"Can I...hug you?" Yedam asked.

Doyoung looked at him, surprised.

"Y-yes..." he muttered.

Yedam inched closer to doyoung and wrapped his arms around him. Doyoung felt warm. And hugging this familiar warmth was comforting. Yedam felt like he didn't want to let go of doyoung, because doyoung was too precious to let go.

"Y-yedam are you done..."

"Sorry, doyoung, just a little more. I have finally grasped hold of you. I don't want to let go now."

Doyoung didn't either. He wanted to hold on. Forever.

But eventually yedam let go.

"So? What are we now?" Doyoung asked.

Yedam smirked at him.

"Boyfriend. You're my boyfriend. And we're going out."

Despite the fact that deep down inside doyoung knew that, his heart still fluttered when actually being said that to.

Yedam smiled at doyoung's expression and they continued watching the movie.

"Okay hyung I should get going now." Doyoung said, getting up and picking his bag up.

"Its 12 in the morning, doyoung. I can't just let you go like this. It's dangerous. For now sleep over." Yedam suggested, as he got up to keep the plates on the kitchen counter behind them.

Doyoung stood still.

"S-sleep over...?"


"But it's just you and me..."

Doyoung heard a plate drop in the sink.

Yedam turned around, blushing himself.

"No! No! I didn't mean it that way! Even if we are dating now, we're both still minors!"

Doyoung sighed with relief.

"You can sleep in my room. I'll just sleep in my parent's."

Yedam said and walked away.

Both washed up and yedam lent doyoung his hoodie since doyoung didn't have any spare clothes.

Doyoung retired on the bed. Yedam's bed.

It smelled like him. And so did the hoodie. It smelled like lavender with a slight tinge of men's cologne.

It felt like home. And doyoung couldn't help but fall asleep.

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