Chapter 5

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There was a long silence. Doyoung's heart dropped in his stomach. He was at a loss for words.

"What the fuck?" He thought. " this really happening?"

Doyoung was confused because of how sure he was that yedam liked asahi. But that didn't matter anymore. He was the happiest being in the world right now.

"Yedam, I-" doyoung began.

"That's how I plan on confessing to asahi this coming festival!" Yedam said, excitedly.

Doyoung felt something inside him shatter. It felt as if his organs had been extracted. He was a fool. He couldn't believe what just happened. Did he really just say that? Did he almost believe yedam? It all made sense. Yedam liked asahi. He loved being with him because of his feelings. There was no reason to confess to doyoung.

Doyoung felt tears build up in his eyes. Before the tears could fall, he pretended to yawn. He took that as an advantage to wipe his tears.

He wasn't going to break down in front of yedam. He felt hurt. Really hurt. But he had to compose himself. It was his fault he was a fool.

"Hey! Why are you yawning? Was that too boring and clichè?" Yedam asked.

"No! It's just that...I'm sleepy." He said. "But yeah go for it! I mean how else is one supposed to confess?"

"Right? Thank you so much, doyoung." Yedam bent forward and gave doyoung a warm hug. "I love you."

Yedam let go slowly as he carried his stack of stapled papers to the teacher's office.

"I love you too...idiot..." doyoung mumbled. "But our definition of love is completely different."

Doyoung lost it and finally broke down. He covered his eyes and let it out.

He heard the door slide open and quickly wiped his tears, expecting yedam to be there. But he just saw a sad junghwan.

Junghwan approached him and hugged him, rubbing his back.

"Its okay, doyoung. Its okay."

Doyoung hugged him back and cried on his shoulders. He really needed someone to lean on. Usually it would have been yedam. But he was the cause this time.

Doyoung finally calmed down. It hurt junghwan to see his friend in such a state. He didn't deserve this.

"Are you okay now?" Junghwan asked concerned.

"Thank you, junghwan. Really."

"That was a pretty shit move on his side." He said. "Even if he doesn't know you like him, fake confessing is a pretty shit move. You deserve better, doyoung."

Doyoung didn't say anything. Usually he would defend yedam. But he knew he was wrong this time.

"I don't know how to face him anymore, junghwan." Doyoung said softly.

Junghwan put his hand on doyoung's shoulder.

"You don't have to, doyoung. Take your time. Come up with excuses if you have to. I'm here."

Doyoung felt really touched to have someone like junghwan comfort him when he needed it the most.

He held junghwan's hand.

"I will, junghwan. Again. Thank you so much."

Junghwan smiled at him warmly.

"Don't thank me. I'm your close friend. It's my duty."

Doyoung smiled back.

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