Chapter 16

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Doyoung still had to rest in the nurse's office.

"Asahi is still playing, right?" Doyoung asked.

"Yeah," yedam replied.

"Its fine you can go. Junghwan and haruto can take care of me. You plan on confessing today, don't you?"

"I won't."

"That's why- what? Why?"

"I don't know. I just...don't think I feel the same way anymore..."


They sat in silence, awkwardly. Until junghwan and haruto rushed to the nurse's office.

"Doyoung, are you okay?!" Haruto asked, running at him.

"Where are you hurt?" Junghwan asked, just as concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Meanwhile yedam sneaked out of the room, leaving them together.

"What did that shithole do to you?" Haruto asked defensively.

"Yeah about that...everything is fine." Doyoung replied. "We made amends."

"Well then." Junghwan said.

The two sat down and doyoung explained everything that happened.

"Well as long he doesn't hurt you, it's fine."

"Aww, haruto is concerned?"

Doyoung rubbed haruto's hair affectionately.

Yedam was standing near the door because he had no intentions of leaving. And haruto calling him a shithole didn't matter to him nearly as much as him getting his hair affectionately rubbed by doyoung. But yedam wasn't sure why.

"Haruto, you still have a match right? Go play. I'm fine. For real." Doyoung said.

Haruto and junghwan tried to argue but doyoung forced them out.

Yedam entered once they left and stayed by doyoung's side. They caught up to everything they missed in each other's lives the past two weeks or so. It was a moment of reminiscence.

Doyoung's sprain subsided by a lot over the weekends. And, although slightly painful, he returned to school almost perfectly fine after a few days.

Yedam and doyoung were packing up their bags as the school day was about to end.

"Oh, we got our physics marks. But you were absent." Yedam told.

"Oh yeah I forgot. I'll get it now, then." Doyoung replied.

"No forget it, I'll get it for you. Your injury still hasn't completely healed."

Doyoung felt touched at how yedam cared for him.

The bell rang and the students flooded out of the classroom. Yedam went too, to get doyoung's physic's marks.

After a while yedam returned with a brown envelope, that contained doyoung's physics paper, doyoung assumed.

"D-did you see it?" Doyoung asked.

"No, I thought you might be uncomfortable with sharing."

Yedam's actions kept making doyoung feel touched and it wasn't helping doyoung's case of trying to move on.

Doyoung opened the envelope and saw his marks.

"I-I got an A?!" Doyoung exclaimed.

"You did?!"

Doyoung showed yedam his paper and both rejoiced. Yedam felt as though he was the one who got those grades.

He hugged doyoung as they twirled around like children.

Yedam kissed doyoung's neck as a congratulations. This may seem unusual to others but it was a habit of yedam. He loved skinship and he often kissed doyoung on the neck or cheek.

But this time, yedam had a different reaction to his actions. He felt his face heat up and his heart race. He let go of doyoung.

"'s a habit." Yedam said.

"No, no don't apologise. Its normal for you anyway." Doyoung replied, laughing awkwardly.

But yedam didn't like how it didn't affect doyoung much. Doyoung said he liked him. Yet he didn't get flustered over yedam kissing his neck. And, despite the fact that yedam knew that he was the one who rejected doyoung and didn't have a right to complain, he just couldn't help but feel bothered.

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