Chapter 10

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2 weeks had passed now. Doyoung and Junghwan hung out together every break while Yedam only seemed to be getting closer to Asahi. It was a sight that hurt Doyoung, but he knew it was his fault since he was the one that asked Yedam to give him some time alone. 

But that didn't mean they wouldn't come across each other frequently at school. Because they did. And each time none of them had the courage to look at one another. Yedam felt way too guilty. Doyoung felt way too hurt. 

"So how long will it last?" Junghwan asked, munching on his last bit of donut as he and doyoung walked around the empty football field at their school. 

"What will?" Doyoung asked back, confused. 

"You know what I mean." He replied. "This whole...arguement with Yedam."

"I don't know. Just...when I'm ready. It sounds like an excuse but right now I really don't know how to fix things. I guess spending some time away from him will allow me to think."

"Sure, no pressure. Just curious." Junghwan said. 

"Oh, by the way, I want to join the basketball team. Should I give it a go?" 

"Really? Then give it a go! I've seen you play. You're really good and should give it a shot!" Junghwan suggested.

"You think so?" 

Junghwan nodded. 

Basketball was the one thing doyoung was confident in. Playing basketball made him really happy and took away his worries. 

That afternoon, try-outs were held for the basketball team, like it had been for the past week. 

Doyoung entered the auditorium and bowed at the seniors who would most likely assess and judge the potential of the players along with the PE teacher. 

Doyoung sat down on the bench and watched students throw the ball from different levels, dribble and tackle (A/N: I don't know anything about basketball so apologies if that's not how it works).

He admired their skills and noted down different points mentally. He was too absorbed into it that he didn't notice a tall, handsome boy beside him. That is, until he spoke to him. 

"You're nervous too, huh?" the boy asked.

Doyoung looked to the right and was shocked at his visuals. He had never seen such a good-looking guy before. Of course, that was because he was always pre-occupied with admiring Yedam. 

"M-me? Not really. I'm doing this for fun. I love basketball so I thought i might as well try it out." Doyoung shyly laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm doyoung, by the way."

"That's really admireable of you. The name is Haruto." Haruto introduced. 

"Thanks! I haven't seen you around. Are you new?" 

"Yeah I transferred this year!" 

"No wonder! If you're nervous, don't be. If you don't get in, just think of it as a minor loss and play it for fun with me!" 

Haruto was in awe by doyoung's cheerful and optimistic personality. He reminded him of the sun. 

"Thank you, I really appreciate your comforting words."

"Next, doyoung of class 2-3" One of the 3rd year students announced. 


Doyoung got up but turned to look at haruto. 

"I'll see you in a bit! Also, good luck, in case you're called while I'm still playing!"

He jogged towards the seniors after saying that, not realizing that he left a love-struck haruto behind. 

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