Chapter 4

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Doyoung waited alone outside the classroom, now that yedam was in the toilet.

The classroom door slid open as the teacher stepped out, looking disappointed like he looked earlier.

"Where did yedam go?" He asked.

"Umm...toilet." doyoung replied.

"Tch he takes too much advantage of his role as the president of this grade."

"I'm sure even the president is allowed to go to the toilet."

Doyoung did not look like he was messing around. There was this threatening sort of expression he was wearing. He would rather accept yedam's rejection than someone else talking shit about him.

The teacher calmed down.

"Yeah, of course you would defend your best friend. Anyway. Come in now. I'll punish you accordingly lately."

Doyoung stepped in and took his seat.

Soon after yedam's head poked through the window and the teacher gestured him to come in as well.

Yedam looked happy. He wouldn't stop smiling.

"It probably went well, I'm guessing." Doyoung thought. "I'm glad things are working out."

Despite saying that to himself, doyoung didn't look the happiest. Even he knew deep inside it affected him. But he kept suppressing those feelings.

Soon the bell rang. Before yedam and doyoung even had a chance to leave, the teacher called them.

"Walking into a classroom 20 minutes late in your 2nd year is absolutely unacceptable." The teacher scolded.

Yedam and doyoung just held their head low.

"Sorry, it won't happen again." Yedam apologized.

"Yeah I'll make sure it doesn't. Both of you. Detention for three days. You'll sort out lab equipment and worksheets."

The teacher walked out after saying that.

"Oops" doyoung said, looking at yedam apologetically.

Yedam laughed.

"Its fine. We'll be together either way." He patted doyoung's shoulder reassuringly and walked towards his table to pack his things up.

"How do you not expect me to continue falling for you harder if you keep being like this?" Doyoung thought.

And sure enough, the next day they had to clear up equipment from the art room.

But surprisingly, this detention was more fun than most breaks. Yedam and doyoung had a mini water-splashing battle with brushes and empty paint bottles. They laughed, smiled, joked. It was fun.

"Aw man I love having you as my bestfriend." Yedam said.

Doyoung's heart hurt when he heard "bestfriend". But there was nothing he could do. He still managed to collect his emotions and give out a "yeah" along with a sweet smile.

The detention continued for the next two days.

And on the last day, they were in an empty classroom, stapling worksheet pages together.

"Okay I'm done." Yedam said, getting up and stretching.

"Yep I'm almost done."

"Doyoung-ah" yedam softly called doyoung's name.

Doyoung felt his heart skip a beat. He looked up at yedam, who sat on the desk beside his.


"I...I like you. Romantically."

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