Chapter 18

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Yedam finally got back to his senses and let go of doyoung's hand.

"This is insane." He muttered. "I'm insane."

Thankfully doyoung was still asleep.

"The match must have worn him out." Yedam thought.

He touched doyoung's hair and slightly stroked it. But then he realized what he was doing and retrieved his hand.

"Again. I did it again. Jesus I can't keep my hands to myself. This is dangerous."

Finally, they reached yedam's place. Yedam lived in a modern villa. It was a bit smaller than a mansion but a bit larger than a regular villa.

"Doyoung, we're here." Yedam softly said, waking doyoung up.

Doyoung's eyes fluttered open, another scene that took yedam's breath away.

"O-oh my bad...I fell asleep."

"Its okay. If you want to rest you can sleep at my place too. It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here right after a tiring match."

"No, no don't say that. I agreed because I wanted to tag along."

Yedam smiled at him warmly. Doyoung shyly looked away, making yedam giggle.

They entered yedam's place.

"I'm back." yedam announced, not receiving a reply.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Yedam asked again.

He then spotted a note on the dining table.

Dear yedam,

Theres food left in the fridge if you want. I'm so sorry but I had to take over someone's shift. I'll make it up to you!

"What happened?" Doyoung asked, as yedam read the note.

"Mom had a sudden shift change." He replied. "And dad is away at a business trip so it's just me and you."

"Me and you..."

Those words lingered in doyoung's head. But he shook it off.

"Its fine. It's hard being a doctor so I understand aunty's situation very well."

Yedam and doyoung sat in the living room as they ordered fried chicken and talked some more.

"You know, I never said this but you have a very good-looking face, doyoung." Yedam said out of nowhere.

He realized he spoke out his thoughts without even thinking twice and looked at doyoung's reaction.

Doyoung dropped his chicken piece, flustered.

Yedam giggled.

It was so cute how doyoung easily got flustered and acted all awkward when he would be complimented. Yedam loved that about him.

"T-that was so random...but thanks I guess..." doyoung muttered as he reached for his cola.

Yedam himself didn't know where he got this boldness in him from.

"Let's watch a movie then?" Yedam suggested.

Doyoung nodded and they selected a movie to watch.

Suddenly a scene of someone being rejected came up.

Yedam froze, remembering the words he told to doyoung when he confessed. He turned to look at doyoung. Doyoung looked at him back.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. "Sure, it does bring back some unwanted memories but it's in the past."

Yedam muted the volume of the TV.

"Why'd you mute it?"

"Doyoung. I never told you this. But, aside from feeling guilty about breaking my bestfriend's heart, there was another feeling eating me away. That was the same feeling that made me stop liking asahi."

Doyoung looked confused and expectant of what yedam was about to say.

"It was the feeling of repentance of letting go of an opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Doyoung asked.

"The opportunity of letting you know about my feelings as well. My true feelings."

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