Chapter 3

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"oh shit junghwan we're late!" Doyoung exclaimed. He quickly picked up his bag. "see you in the next break!"

Junghwan seemed rather patient and calm as he ate his donut. 

"see you, hyung!"

Junghwan finally picked up his bag and walked to his classroom. 

Doyoung rushed to his classroom that when he turned to the right he bumped into someone. He fell back but he didn't need to look up to know who it was. It was a familiar scent. A comforting scent. 

"Oh fuck doyoung-ah, are you okay?" Yedam asked, extending his arm, looking surprised and concerned. 

Doyoung awkwardly laughed and held his hand. 

"yeah, i'm just kind of late for class." He replied.

"same," yedam said as he rubbed the back of his head. 

Yedam and doyoung made their way to their classroom. 

"sorry we're late!" they said in unison.

The teacher looked anything but amused. 

"Yedam, doyoung, may I please ask you to wait outside?" the teacher said. 

Yedam and doyoung exchanged a look as if to say "fuck we're in trouble" they smiled at each other and closed the door behind them as they exited it. They leaned against the wall. 

They looked at each other and burst into laughter. 

"remember we used to get into trouble like this in middle school all the time?" yedam recalled. 

"and it was always because of me!" 

they laughed some more. 

Maybe things were fine this way. Maybe junghwan was wrong. There was no need to confess to Yedam and ruin this precious friendship of theirs. It was fine as long as doyoung could stay beside yedam.

"It wasn't so bad being late after all" yedam said.

"Are you sure you wanna say that as the 2nd year president?"

"I'm allowed to have fun too. This was fun."

They smiled and looked at the sky through the window.

Suddenly they heard one of the doors open in the hallway.

They turned in the direction of the sound and spotted asahi getting out of the classroom. He looked at yedam and doyoung, confused.

"Why are the two of you outside?" He asked.

"We got in trouble for being late to the class." Yedam replied. "What about you?"

"Oh I was on the way to the toilet."


Asahi waved as he walked towards the toilet.

"How about you pretend to go to the toilet as well, to spend more time with him?" Doyoung suggested.

"Huh? Spend time together? In the toilet? That's a bit..."

"Not inside the damn cubicle, you dumbfuck."

"should i?"

Doyoung pushed him in the direction of the toilet.

"Fine fine."

Doyoung saw yedam's figure move towards the toilet. Yedam's back was a view that doyoung saw more than often these days. And it was all his fault. Yedam couldn't help but like asahi. But doyoung kept pushing him. That was his fault.

He let out a sigh as he spotted junghwan's face looking at him from the floor below them, from the window in their class.

Junghwan shook his head in disappointment and doyoung was sure he saw him tut as well.

Doyoung rolled his eyes.

He knew why junghwan looked disappointed.

Why did he keep pushing his crush to someone else, even if he loves them? Shouldn't he think about himself and be selfish for once?

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