Chapter 20

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The next day, doyoung and yedam went to school together.

They met up with junghwan near the lockers.

"What?!" Junghwan exclaimed. "Y-you're dating now?! How?"

"Well turns out our feelings were mutual." Doyoung answered.

Junghwan looked speechless.

"You went through all of that for nothing. " junghwan slapped his forehead.

"But here's the thing. I don't wanna tell haruto in case he still has lingering feelings and I might hurt him." Doyoung said.

"Well, about that-" junghwan began to speak but got cut off by a familiar deep voice.

"Don't worry about that. I got over you ages ago." Haruto reassured. "In fact...I'm dating someone too."

Haruto's confession took doyoung and yedam by surprise, but junghwan wasn't affected much.

"I'm dating jeongwoo." Haruto further revealed. "My bestfriend and junghwan's brother."



"Yeah...but this is a lot to take in. My bestfriend is dating his bestfriend, and my brother is dating his best friend too." Junghwan complained.

"Don't worry, hwannie. You'll find someone too." Yedam comforted, patting his back.

The four of them got to their classes.

A month had gone by and yedam and doyoung had gone on frequent dates. To the arcade, to the baseball simulator, to the pool. Haruto was enjoying life with jeongwoo too, while junghwan got a part-time job at a local donut cafe.

It had been a month but life seemed more than perfect for each and everyone of them.

Soon enough, christmas came around. The night before, on Christmas eve, the four of them met up and had a party. But for christmas, yedam had other plans.

"I'm taking you all for myself, tomorrow." Yedam whispered, smirking at doyoung as the four of them partied at haruto's house on christmas eve.

Doyoung looked away. But yedam noticed his red ears.

He giggled at doyoung's cuteness and rubbed his earlobe, causing doyoung to flinch and making his face even redder.

Jeongwoo and haruto spent Christmas together as well and junghwan went to his mother's hometown to visit his family.

Doyoung had come over at yedam's.

"Hello aunty! How have you been?" Doyoung cheerfully asked as he spotted yedam's mother.

"Oh my! Doyoung? It's been so long!" She replied. "I'm sorry I've been so busy lately that I've barely been home everytime you came over!"

"Oh no that's fine! I understand."

Yedam's mom treated doyoung like he was one of her own.

"Unfortunately mom's leaving soon again." Yedam said.

"Today? Its christmas though?" Doyoung asked confused.

"Oh no I'm going to a party. I wanted to spend time with yedam. But..." she said and then looked at yedam smugly. "He said he wanted to spend time with you."

Yedam walked away, embarrassed.

Doyoung felt touched.

Yedam's mom left soon.

"Your dad's still abroad, huh?" Doyoung asked.

"Yeah...its fine though. He's coming in a few days. We'll be able to celebrate new years' together."

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