Chapter 6

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Doyoung went to the toilet with junghwan. He washed his face and calmed down.

"You feel better?" Junghwan asked.

"Well not as bad as before" doyoung replied. "But it'll still take time for me to heal from the emotional pain."

Junghwan's heart tore at that. He wanted to beat up yedam but he knew that wouldn't make things better. And doyoung and yedam having known each other since elementary school while junghwan had known doyoung only since high school, he felt like he wasn't in the position to come between them.

"I just...don't know what to do. Whether I should just act like everything is normal or whether I should avoid him." Doyoung complained.

"Well, if you avoid him, everything will be ruined. Friendship, relationship whatever. And I doubt that's what you want. And acting like everything is normal would mean you would still be hurting." Junghwan replied.

"Exactly. I'll just see what happens."

Junghwan and Doyoung got back to their own classes. Doyoung didn't have any lessons with Yedam the entirety of the remaining day. And he was thankful that was the case. He needed time to collect his thoughts about what he would do next.

The final bell rang and Doyoung made his way out of his classroom. Junghwan had to leave earlier that day for an appointment at the dentist's.

"Usually I would go pick up Yedam from his classroom. Or he would be the one to pick me up, if we didn't have the last lesson together." Doyoung thought. "But this time I'm just going alone. I guess I am avoiding him after all..."

Of course, the universe had different plans for him. Because the moment he stepped out of the school's building, he felt an arm suddenly wrap around his neck. He turned, and as expected, he saw a smiling yedam looking at him.

"why are you smiling?" Doyoung asked.

"Just because. Why? Am i not allowed to smile?"

"You are. I'm just asking."

"Forget that, why didn't you wait for me?"

"My bad."

Doyoung's dry response caught Yedam off-guard. Yedam tilted his head in confusion. Had he done something? He decided to let go of it.

They walked home as Yedam talked about his last few lessons and how Asahi and he kept fooling around. Doyoung clenched his teeth and even stopped listening to Yedam at some point.

"Doyoung?" Yedam suddenly called out, shaking doyoung's shoulder.

"Uh yeah?" Doyoung snapped back from his thoughts. "You were saying?"

"What's wrong?" Yedam looked concerned. "You look out of it. Do you feel sick?"

Yedam put his hand on doyoung's forehead, trying to note down if his temperature was high. Doyoung flinched and pushed Yedam's hand away. It wasn't aggressive but usually doyoung wouldn't have pushed it back at all. Yedam looked surprised.

"Hey, I'm just trying to check your temperature. You don't have to be so defensive." He said, sternly.

"Oh sorry. I'm just...not feeling well. Shouldn't have taken it out on you though."

Despite apologizing, doyoung continued walking. For some reason, he felt wronged to have been the one to apologize. Shouldn't Yedam be the one to apologize for playing with his feelings? But then he realized. How was Yedam supposed to know about Doyoung's feelings if he kept them so secretive?

But doyoung didn't realize. Whether he liked yedam or not, and whether Yedam knew that or not, fake-confessing was wrong to begin with.

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