late night 2

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Lady's gentes and theys part 2

Macabre_day:somehow found out the fuck said "sleep or I'll take you to patrolling with me" and you weren't able to so you went with.

Sorrowful_day:didn't know how to help you but you found how a way to help you sleep.

Placid_day: he wasn't around

Scary_day: scared the living crap out of you fell asleep (weirdo)

Particular_day:you both talked about weapons all night (idk ok)

Emotionless_day: the man gave you milk and said "I heard it helps" but in reality put night quill in there.

Dreadful_day: he well took you out for a walk while he was on patrol. (Ye idk what to do with this one)

Dynamic_day: Read's you a bed time story for some weird as reason and you didn't question.

The art you see is mine and this one was  more fun than anything I've done for a while now. Bye for now this demons out for now see ya later or some other day.

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