3am wondering

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It was 3 in the morning a young teen running in the streets like their life depended on it maybe it was you never know.

As flashing lights were seen maybe....

y/n wasn't doing much since realistically they were chilling and with none of they're family around they were on there own from now on since they were kicked out for being non binary.

In reality y/n was a teen and didn't have much but clothes some money they could spare food along with phone and charger.

Y/n came across the escape using this reality was going to be warm and welcoming

Y/n entered the portal.

*Years later*

Y/n was known as the wanderer of the realms usually watching from afar but one realm. Recently was the days they all wanted so something whenever they came back  y/n had known they had been single for ages and didn't do dating neither did they but you'd  honestly rather stay here for the nice refreshing embrace of comfort.

Well what was left of them since this was like their version of death.

Y/n was content happy to be apart 
From where reality was

It was time for y/n the job they had to do they're wandering with the days lecturing them like on what not to do. They said to each one they'd return with gifts for each one of them.

Y/n went through the portal. Standing infront of someone as y/n was about to speak they'd spoke 

"It's time to wake my child" this anonymous figure spoke.y/n was confused and about to protest there they were sitting in front of a door on a bed

This looked so much like a hospital room  and a doctor looking at them "I'll check up on you and have them bring food and call your parents" what did this mean y/n sat there utter confused.

Who was that mysterious figure why were they there? What about the who? Those guys they couldn't remember?


Maybe they were a figment of their imagination.

Just like they said a very creative kid they were awake in a hospital bed and room maybe they were right....

They're not it was too surreal they wasn't true y/n wanted to return maybe one day but for know maybe they should stay in reality for a bit

Hello my friend it's been awhile but I hope you enjoyed have a lovely night or day as I wait for it to be 6:15 to start getting ready for school.

See you next time gentlemen, lady's, gender fluid,non binary, and for any one else a very great  time.

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