they turned to children

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Radiant: he was those kids that would flirt with you but he was a energetic kid

Benevolent:he loved sweets and was always napping somewhere  so watch out for a sleeping benevolant in the floor half of the time .

Unstable: he was very energetic kid Time to time got in trouble half of the time and for well usally hurting a kid by acediant

Unpredictable:like his name he had mood swings so you never know what happened but he was a calm kid just don't leave him alone for to long when pissed.

Macabre: carried around a small nerf gun and would shoot anyone at random half of the time kids come and complain to you about how he shot them.

Dynamic: you were always losing him one way or another so don't be suprised after he was found anywere and i mean anywere.

Placid:he was a fairly creative kid so usally spent his time drawing or just figuring on what the hell unstable was planing next.

emotionless:they would be sitting in a corner 24/7 not leaving because they didn't want to or were either pissed about somethind.

sorrowful: he was pretty much hugging you as he was known to be very with you.

pratical:he caused chaos but there was no harm unless by acediant but besides that all good.

scary: not many people and you went anywere near him because he would randomly glair at anyone who tried aout of random just saying.

sympathetic:was also a monster of chaos but alot more calmer thanpratical.

incarnate: yall called them nate and with most of the others there names had been shortened because most forgot couldn't say it or either ya.

realistic: he was very very tired you could also find them anywere but espacailly in a playhouse just because.

fatal: another man of chaos and would steal alot of people's candy because they wanted it or found i tastey.

powerful:hey he was always missing and found somewhere else so not many people knew how he got were he was but he was just there.

great: he was his own leader and led most of are well now operatives becasue he came off as the only reasonable one ya now.


kid y/n: somehow survived most of the chaos but had ringing in there ears when ever next to unstable:

albert: just as much chaos added with any of them but mostly unstable.

jake: was albert voice of reason before somehow getting himself in the chaos.

adam: you could say he was the one who joined for the ride because fuck it why not.

kaden: just didn't now why he was there but he just was and that was all.

temprist: he was an intresing one but hey alitte of his curiosites hurt right.

hello you might have seen some new names well turns out those are some dead operatives technaically all of them are dead but we aren't going to talk about thats none of this maybe acurite but whatever no one said it had to be. but whatever lol i going to leave and join this call with my lover see yall. funfact i ended up telling him most of the chuck loyd lore i now abput lol anyway bye ladys,gentelman, non-bianry, gender fluid, and inbetween see ya next time.

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