stress and rain

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Short story with y/n and Radiant_day

Rain hiting the windows of houses and with splashing of people walking on the water that formed when the rain came down could be heard outside.

Y/n had seen people pass her house along with operatives, usually it would have been normal to operatives seeing y/n at least out the house for air or food. But that hasn't been the case this week though they didn't want to get in y/n's live they asked a freind of there's if they've seen y/n down lately.

Getting the answer of seeming stressed lately the freind themselves didn't now of what.

Y/n usually had a stressfull times but they didn't mind it was only a week.

Is what could have been said they only saw y/n leave home once but that was for fast food and cat food as a week turned it to months then to 2 more, it was about to be three.

Time skip to 2 months later

With it being cloudy this point it's been awhile since anyone heard it seen you you contact some people time to time but not wanting to push you out of your comfort zone an operative came by your door.

Y/n had layed on there couch being stressed do to life and on how seeing family in about a month was stressing them. Why would y/n stress on this well y/n never showed up to all the reunions there family threw why did it matter now.

Y/n was planning on not showing up but remembered her parents were giving most of some old stuff left behind and planing on seeing some friends there. But why not mail the stuff to them you knew why they didn't do that. They knew you hated interaction (or not) but you really never got along with them as they were usually picking on you and your live chooses ad for the rest of the family thought of you as an outcast why you ask.

Well some family members of yours were Abit wealthy and had there life planed like your mom and dad they wanted the same for you but you took a different route the one you like a decent amount of well paying money job a small house. Though out of your family the only people who didn't think of you the way the others did was your siblings and grandparents.

No with you deep in thoughts you hear a faint knock but let it be as not wanting to interact with anyone right now.

You lay there until you hear them get loud.

So getting up with your cats following you open the door to see an operative who may it be radiant himself at your door you were quite close friends but not as close as you were with sorrow_day.

Letting him in to not stand there closing the door behind you. With him closing his umbrella "what brings-" "tell me your troubles" what" you heard me tell me" y/n and radiant now in silence with a confused face on y/n and the worried on the operative the silence was broken by the words of " something is troubleing you or stressing you out so talk to me you don't have to but at least tell me if your ok" I've just been stressed" y/n looked down seeing your cat look at you " well if it makes you feel at least any better I can stay with you until you feel better and not lonely you don't have to explain to me but it would at least be nice right" offered the operative you did seem like it was needed as the only thing to keep company was your cats.

"That would be nice" you agreed as the background noice of rain drops hit your windows.

Maybe having company while troubles could be nice.

Hello there this may not seem like a senerio but I thought why not I am back from my trip and as you can tell. With this light hearted story I wrote this at 2:31 I should get sleep but eh I thi why not since I got this idea on my way back but see ya next time

See you when I return to upload but till then gentleman, lady's non binary, and more have a wonderful night/day

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