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Great_day: [identity] y/n you like my cat his name is day

Emotinless_day:[identity] y/n I named my cat awkward


Dreadful_day:[identity] you make me dread this already

Macabre_day:you incourged him but he got a big dog and trained it to be a guard dog

Scary_day: [identity] y/n look at my black cat

Placid_day: [identity] y/n what placid cat you have

Benevolent_day:ever since he got one he makes cat treats

Practical_day:he asks questions on how to take care of a cat

Radiant_day:he only did it so there was company at his residency while it was just him

Unpredictable_day: he takes care of your cat when you can't brings the cat back when hes tired of it

Sorrowful_day: took in a cat so he isn't bothering you when you can't comfort him to much

Dynamic_day:he didn't get a cat but a mouse


Adam: has a cat named grape just like you

Albert: he has a cat named noob for some reason

Alonetraver: man loves cats he got one and named them kit

Selozar: took one in after he moved out  from alone while he lives with adam and albert

Y/n: you have three cats named grape, traveler,and ben

Jake: he has one to hop on the trend of everyone who has a cat and so he has someone to be with while your out

Kaden:he found the kitty's in the street he couldn't let out there

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